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HELLO Finesse FAM!!👋🏾 I hope everyone is practicing social distancing and cyber finesse.

Helpful amazon wish list prompts below:

  • Baby this really sucks so bad! I have to stay in the house on my birthday 😢Currently online shopping to cheer myself ( sends list) do you want to pick out a few things for me?
  • So I decided to make an amazon for when you want to buy me something now or in the near future, you will know what's to get me, daddy 😝
  • Omg!, hun look ( sends amazon wish list ) I been waiting for this to come in stock for the longest ughh it is finally available.. it's the 3rd item on my list. It just sucks that it's in and I just spent my extra money on ( insert charity, helping friend, etc)  Ugh Just my luck 🥺
  • Hey hun! I just saw this post saying create an amazon wish list and send it to your boyfriend and post what item he purchases, just silly social media stuff but I thought it would be cool to try it ( this works perfectly on an SD who thinks you are in a relationship with him)
  • Hey, daddy do you want to play a game? ( wait for his response ) Here is my Amazon wish list each item you buy me I will send you sexy nude no matter how big or small the gift is 😌 ( sends list)
  • I cannot believe after ( insert years) of college I don't even get to walk the stage of my graduation due to the corona 😓 I hope this doesn't mean I don't get a gift either.  I am putting an amazon wish list together babe, do you think that's a good idea since friends and family can't personally bring me a gift? ( later send him the list and ask if he wants to buy something as well as a graduation gift)
  • Baby I really need this and amazon is the only place I can buy it from. (send lists)

BE ORIGINAL THESE PROMPTS Will GET THE JUICES FLOWING 🥰 ( put emphasis on your birthday ,graduation&vacations that have been canceled )

All love,




Any suggestions on what I should add to mine ladies? He told me to make one & now my mind is blank lol


There's actually some real designer stuff on Amazon I had no idea. Just added a gucci wallet to my wishlist :P