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What do you want out of this journey?

💰, 🚗, 🏡, 🎬, 🌴,✈,🚢, 💍

 🧘🏾‍♀️it’s so important to write down a detailed plan, speak the words out loud aka speak it into existence. Be very clear on what you want and speak it into the universe don’t hold back either. Most Importantly trust the process!

I know some ladies need to vent and it gets frustrating but that also speaking negativity into the universe..does not help at all. I see comments I can’t, I won’t, I don’t it’s like you don’t even see it for yourself. POSITIVITY WILL  GET YOU FAR!

If you believe it! It will happen, you didn’t get the Vision if it was impossible. Start a pintrest, make your vision board, make real !

So manifest below ⬇️




debt free, able to do any and all medical and natural medicine treatments medications supplements etc. for my disabilities, all my beauty upkeep done, able to eat at expensive and tasty restaurants whenever i want, able to buy any native american/alternative/indie people's items, a place of my own be it condo or a house,two black pugs that are totally taken care of. freedom to do content creating, day trading, network affiliate marketing, and the like as my full time job!


Pure Financial freedom, Abundance in all forms, 50,000 in my savings , a new car house . Unlimited money sources for the rest of the year and all 2021 . Success for the entire finesse family !I Will have My Bag SECURED!