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Hey Finesse Fam 💓

I know I always say let the men chase you and you do not chase these men. However, it is finesse season and sometimes we have to reach out old pots and Sds that we did not fall out with but more like a lost connection. There are plenty of times where you and certain someone just ghost each other and sometimes you have to be the bigger person to get the bag. A strong emphasis on sometimes lol.  Anyways here are some helpful prompts below to rekindle a fizzled relationship.

  • Hey💛! how have you been? It’s been a while. I heard (enter song ) and it certainly reminded me of you. It really got me reminiscing about how I miss hearing your voice and I just miss you in general.
  • Hey you! I feel like I haven’t spoken to you in ages. There so much going on in life and in the world, just wanted to reach out and let you know you still have a friend in me 🖤😘
  • Long time no talk, just thought I would reach out and say hey! Just checking on a friend 
  • You really have been on my mind lately. I really hope all is well, I would love to catch up soon 💓
  •  I am not sure how fell out of touch, but I would love to reconnect babe. Imy 💕
  • I am simply reaching out because I really do miss us. What we had was special, well at least thought we did 😣
  • (Insert his name), it’s been a while. How are you? What’s new in your world?
  • Hi stranger! 😉 you crossed my mind and I wanted to reach out to you! I haven’t heard from you and I wondering how life is treating you 😘

Disclaimers 📌 These prompts are NOT to be used on a broke man who has never sent you money,  A horny man, A rude man, Disrespectful pots, or anyone who has not sent you money before.





“Hi _____, how are you! Long time no chat.. I was deleting old messages and saw ours and wanted to touch base. Are you still _____?” This worked for me 🥰