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Having trouble telling a date NO?

 Is it the location or time?

Having issues with a pot asking for address?

Does the pot want to meet up right away?

Is the pot offering a low-quality date?

I always try to avoid using the word "NO", and I suggest you should too.

These prompts will definitely be  helpful 💕

  • I actually would prefer to...
  • I actually have prior engagements 
  • I’m going to have to decline your offer hun....
  • I don’t think that’s in my best interest.
  • Actually, I’m not comfortable with that
  • I love that suggestion but I would honestly prefer  (insert a location, time, or area). I believe I would find that more enjoyable.
  • Regrettably, I'm not able to meet for lunch at (enter the ghetto location they recommended), I think a more appropriate setting would be somewhere more intimate like (enter restaurant you prefer ).
  • Perhaps we should try (enter your suggestion) I heard this place quite lovely.
  • I would prefer not to babe! Although it sounds lovely, I can't agree to this. I would actually prefer (enter your preference).
  • Let’s put our heads together and come up with something more suitable for a first date.
  • Thanks for the offer but I’m just not the type of woman who goes to restaurants like the one you suggested.
  • I actually have other obligations that day. I’ll be attending a wedding at the Omni hotel, I won’t be able to squeeze a coffee date in, maybe you can make reservations at a restaurant for a later date and I’ll surely make time babe.
  • I would love to but I can’t give out my address to you at this time, the gift is such a nice gesture. I think it’s a great idea, that you either bring it to our date or send me funds and I can purchase the item myself. I think later on I’ll feel more comfortable with you getting my address once we try it this way first.
  • What a nice suggestion! I have a suggestion of my own. I think the best way to get to know someone is over steak and wine, not bagels 😂
  • Unfortunately, I’m going to have to turn that offer down.
  • I’m honored that you want to meet so soon, but I would prefer a video chat or phone call first.
  • Slow down cowboy lol, I can’t imagine meeting up with someone so soon. I think we should get to know one another better first hun.

 Enjoy your weekend loves ✨




How do I get a pot to stop asking for nudes without sending me a single dime so far?


I have no car at the time, I've had 2 pots offer to send me a uber (Definitely not giving them my address) instead of sending me the money for a uber. Help


I always say something like for privacy and safety reasons do you think you could send me it(i ask via cashapp)