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It’s that time of the week again! Say hello to finesse Friday 🥰  & of course finesse season where men blow a bag for no reason!

🎉 Let's congratulate this finesse babe on her shopping trip! I’m going to tell you ladies like this I don’t care if you go to target and run up a check or forever 21 and get a shopping trip. Life isn’t all about the designer! A WIN IS A WIN! Finesse fam can wear a $20 forever 21 dress and make it look high fashion period! Ladies don’t downplay your wins! The goal is designer however the overall goal is to test their generosity! So forever 21 🥰  it is !!! Can I also add she doesn’t remember what his bio said but her GUT told her that he was worth it! LOVE TO HEAR IT !! Ladies follow that gut feeling!! I have swiped on MEN before they did not bring a meet fee but ended up being generous! A year or so I had a guy sending me $20-$30 for lunch in my DMs... to now I’m on his credit cards and buys me whatever I want! Sometimes you just have to follow your gut that’s all I’m saying!

I appreciate it when you ladies send receipts. I like when we can analyze the tone of the conversation. The Majority of my post I recommend having phone conversations with your pot. This will make them feel more comfortable and less on edge when a man hears a  woman’s sensual voice on the phone(if you have a nice voice get on the phone asap). The "mouthpiece" is about using your voice and mastering the art of persusian. Sometimes words can get misunderstood through text messages, so that’s why I recommend video chatting or phone call. However, there are cases where are you can finesse man strictly through text messages. Possessing that type a mouthpiece is gold! Not having to meet in person and having POT send you money is one of the best feelings in the world lol.  Just a reminder I enoy to sharing finesse conversations but I don’t want you ladies to copy exactly what other women in the finesse family are saying. I know some of you need help with conversing with pots so what better way than screenshots from successful women in the finesse fam. I am so pleased that the Finesse fam is still comfortable with sharing their conversations & experiences. This genuinely helps others! Please don’t take the screenshots for granted💓  Take a moment out to study and dissect the dialogue maybe there is something that person is doing that you may not be! Thank you so much to
any and everyone who sends screenshots of their conversations especially if it’s from the beginning to end! We do not take this for granted!

Congrats🥳 to all the wins and you can  send success stories to askchanelyt@gmail.com.

(Read screenshots attached)







Guys I have a question.. This SD i met online few years ago( I was younger and dumber lol) so he found me too young...but he did buy me a wig.. came back.. but it seems he doesn't remember me no more 😕.. he is in his older age.. we have a "first" date coming week.. should I remember him we met before couple of times, cause I have a emergency trip coming up and I would really need some money .. and should I charge him for the "first" meet fee and how?


I’m always skeptical when some one doesn’t remember me or pretends to not remember me ... does he have Alzheimer’s? Because ain’t no one memory that bad. As for how to ask for meet fee watch my meet fee videos and their are prompts all over patreon.use the search bar and search meet fees. I wouldn’t recommend pretending like y’all never meet before especially if he has already spent money in past. You have to ask yourself did you end on a bad note last time ?


Hey guys just wanted to let you know I finally got banned on Tinder 😂 I was wondering how long it would take. But luckily I have another phone so time to get back at it! 😂