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So the Finesse Fam has spoken. Q&A live it is 😍! 

Submit your questions for the live with me and Oldman in the comments below πŸ₯°. I want yall to really get into the finesse mindset when you think of these questions. Don't just think about the juicy details you wanna know about us. Think about questions that would help you finesse in the future. Maybe questions on what I did to build the relationship that stood out to him etc. 

Below I have linked the podcast that I have already done with old man so that you can listen to them BEFORE submitting your requested questions that way we aren't repeating any questions πŸ’“.

The podcasts are in order from most recent to oldest. In the second podcast linked below I went over questions I thought the finesse fam would have for him. Please listen to that one especially before posting your Q&A submissions below πŸ’•



P.S. this live will either be on April the 6th or April the 24th.






How soon does a man know if he wants to make a woman his GF? Is there a such thing as too soon? what things can a woman do/say to make a man feel appreciated when you don’t see each other often? Do men really like independent women? Is their a such thing as too independent?