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Hey Finesse Fam,

This Money Makin' Monday is giving a lesson in spoiled girlfriend realness and the only type of rain checks I want.  I always mention the importance of selling a story and the power of flirting. This finesse babe did what needed to be done. She flirts via text/phone and the on date.   💰 ✅

P.S. This finesse babe is also a Mommy. Another level-up queen with kids ! We love to see it. 

Lesson 1: Don't be afraid to date these men. Yall have held hands and walked in the park for ice cream and love, but be afraid to fall in love with the rich. I don't like that for us.  😭  A lot of these POTs need to believe you care.

Not everyone is a sugar daddy (which means getting a set allowance). However, I actually get the most from spoiled girlfriend relationships.  So, really identify which role you need to play in the moment. 

I love that she took my advice on sending a picture before you ask for something.

If you're asking for a dress send two and tell him to pick. If he doesn't pick the one you want tell him "now you have to get both 🥺"  🤣. You can do this type of thing when the relationship is built.  💅

I want you girlies to remember the importance of creating a fantasy and a story around whatever you are asking these POTs for.🙅‍♀️A dry text asking for a dress with no emojis is not going to get it. Be an entertainer; be a finesser.

Lead these POTs where you want them to go. 

Enjoy the podcast below and pair it with the lesson in this week's Finesse Friday.


Site used : The League 

When one of us wins we all win. 

All Love,

CNC 💑 🛍️




Love this for her!


I've also had cancelation payments they are the best hahaha. I've got from 200-400 but go for 1000!