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Hey! Finesse Fam 💕

So I get these questions/scenarios quite frequently and  I am not judging at all. So here is my response via podcast. 🎙

1. So I slept with my sugar daddy .. now what?

2.  I slept with a guy and he stopped spending money after🧐

3. I slept with a pot and now I'm having doubts. 

4. My pot says he going to stop spending money because he wants s3x.

&&& the list goes on. If this list applies to you please listen to this podcast and comment your thoughts below.

LOVE ♥️ Language: https://www.5lovelanguages.com/quizzes/love-language

Please remember it is not the end of the world ♥️ all love!




Girl I got pissed off at my sponsor and came completely out of the sweet, good girl character that I played for a year and cursed him smooth out all loud. It took a while to bounce back from but he has honestly invested too much in me for him not to spin the block like he did


I’ve done that before and it does you no favors. Bite your tongue until it bleeds 😂😂😂