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THIS CYBER FINESSE BABE RY NEEDS YOUR ADVICE! If you have any helpful tips, tricks, ideas and advice comment below. I would love for women or men who have been in a similar situation to also share Below ⬇️ 

I did give her my advice and insight. 


Before any sex or anything, she needs to meet him first and establish a relationship in person. Sex should the furthest thing from both of their minds since they have never even met in person. Then of course get STD AND COVID Test. Usually, men procrastinate with this, if they even do it all. I anticipate that he’s not being aggressive because there would be a whole process before you would even think about having sex with him. Also ladies you take a big chance that money does slow down but do you want to be with a man who will manipulate you to have sex with him, using money as the leverage. I mean who is to say once they have sex he just stops giving her money altogether. There are so many layers to this, only an established relationship in person can answer. NO Means no!! You do not have to meet anyone in person if you do not want to. However, If you chose not to have sex with him please don't be giving it up to broke-ass dusty, that isn't doing anything for you. I see this so many times where women will not want to have sex with man because he is ugly/provider but will be giving it up to a cute/broke man. YIKES! I AM NOT saying this is the case, just expressing what I have seen in most cases.

All love, 





I agree with Chanel, and I feel like you should've been shaming him for bringing up sex when y'all haven't been acquainted irl. Def would've given him the "You have sex with these girls you meet on the internet? I don't know your history, and I take sexual health very seriously."


Ok, this is how I would go about it since yall have 2 years in. This is more than enough time to talk marriage. I'll say to him: babe I'm so excited you value our relationship so highly! (Always sounds excited and anxious.) To be honest, sex is an emotional attachment for me and I value it. Sex means I'm committing myself to you and you will commit yourself to me. It's how my father raised me. We can discuss how serious you want us to become and when. Do you want me as your fiancé and soon to be wife or your exclusive girlfriend? I have been waiting for this moment. When we talk again, we can agree on a date to announce to my parents and my supervisor at work. Once our relationship becomes serious, you will become my 100% provider. I will eventually stop working or drastically reduce my hours at work. (Send pictures) here are 2 of my favorite jewelers. I had my eye on these engagement and wedding rings. (Very expensive of course). I have chosen a destination wedding venue and wrote out the 250 guest list. My family out of town will be so happy for me! Babe I should have known, you are the one when you looked in my eyes on the 2nd date and asked/said to me ...... (insert something that he will believe). This is my dream come true! ... He will start to back off or continue because he wants sex this bad or simply doesn't want to let you down. If he keeps it up, honey spend, spend, spend! Whenever you talk with him bring this up. Send him pictures of expensive wedding gowns and dinner plates. Then every week burden him with responsibilities that he will not want to do. Examples: my pastor wants to video meet with us one hour, every Saturday, for the next 8 weeks. I enrolled us in the pre marriage couples counseling program. 2) My mom and the wedding planner wants to video chat and choose the wedding colors and we can submit the best man and bridemaid names. This will only take a couple hours. 3) my dad and uncle wants to meet with you one on one. Which day works best for you? ...This will mentally drain him. He will back off and your relationship will gladly return to no sex talk. Lol. Or he will step up and spend thousands. And if he continues with it, keep spending excitedly. Make it so he has to be shamed to let you down. He will eventually stop dealing with you or tell you it's out his budget. Then you very sadly say really, you don't want us exclusive? What did I to deserve this? A win win.