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There is so much to learn from this success story and tbh this is exactly how I want success stories sent to me. THESE TYPES OF DETAILS ARE IMPORTANT💗 LADIES PLEASE GET YOUR WINE OR APPLE CIDER LOL THIS IS A VERY DETAILED MOVIE. I love everything about the mind games, the mouthpiece, && the determination lol.(( This includes 25 screenshots))

Hey Chanel!

Brace yourself, there's a lot of screenshots. This could maybe be broken down into multiple posts/lessons.

So April's total was $5110. $1315 from the EE and $3795 from the GG. [cashapp receipts are the first two screenshots] The remaining $295 from the EE are small amounts sent here and there for various things not counting Uber rides. Both men I met on vanilla apps. Both known for a month or less when they spent those amounts. No sexual relationship with either.

Because the EE was rich (not wealthy, but rich), began tricking immediately, and seemed to completely understand the assignment, I thought he might be a good POT for temporary spoiled GF, like six months to a year. So I put his number one on the roster.

We began April just reconciling after a week of not talking over a disagreement. When he came sniffing around again proposing that we go on a getaway, I reminded him that he'd promised the month prior before our disagreement to take care of my rent going forward. He tried not to bring it up, but I honestly didn't care to go to his destination so I wasn't about to go without getting my rent paid.

He tried to negotiate with me and said he'd pay half because he felt like he wasn't getting all that he wanted out of the relationship (sex). I used your tactic of not arguing but saying it was disappointing that he wasn't a man of his word and he sent the full amount right then on the call. That convo was on the phone but I wish I could share it because women should know that using an EE's words against him in a non-confrontational way could be the difference between a little and a lot with a conditionally stingy EE.

I dropped him a week later, a less well off man was willing to give more freely without having to spend so much energy and time or trying to manipulate me or push the sex issue.

Which brings me to the GG. I knew he was naturally generous from our first two dates based on how well he tipped the server, offered to cover my uber home with zero prompting from me, and how he picked what he thought were nice places. Although he was naturally generous, he isn't rich and he is very socially awkward. He makes horribly corny jokes, would harp on his insecurities, and was just so boring that I decided I might ghost him. It wasn't fun for me.

When he texted after the second date that he wanted to go on less expensive dates I decided I was definitely going to ghost him. To not let my efforts with him go completely to waste, I told him I was stressed about my car to see how he would respond. When he told me he would pray for me, I kept it feminine and cute but pretty much disengaged. Then I canceled our third date last minute because I went on a getaway with the EE. I couldn't respond to his calls and texts while there with the other guy and that distance made the GG nervous.

He reached out and damn near begged me to take $1000 in cash he said he had stashed away. [screenshots 1-11 is the lead up to that phone conversation] So I found a quiet corner of the hotel and called him to discuss him sending the money. I think he was scared that I'd ghost so he told me it was cash and that he wanted to meet up for that third date to give it to me. [screenshots 12-18 were the lead up to that meet up] That date was pedicures and then pizza, nothing high end, but I treated it like a bonding opportunity and sure enough he brought the cash. I took a pic [attached] because I laughed to myself that the leftover pizza and money was the best "doggie bag" I'd ever left a date with lol. So the next couple of weeks was me basically training him to send money for things that I said frustrated me or stressed me out by shutting down or growing distant to varying degrees because of it. When he'd fix my issue with a cashapp, I'd show him attention and affection. I'd do that with flirty, but non-sexual snapchat videos, telling him whatever he wanted to hear about us growing closer, and calling him pet names that stroked his ego when he produced.

When he had initially offered the $1K he framed it as all he had to spare but I suspected that wasn't true. I showed appreciation for what he gave and also planted the seed then that the full amount for the car was $3500. I'd learned from earlier with the EE to not accept and be happy with what I was offered and I told him that I needed the full amount to solve my problem. I didn't let up about it, not with nagging but with my actions. I heightened his motivation to help me get my car by having him pay for every single uber to and from our dates and pouting about the inconveniences of not having my car yet, sometimes I'd even try to cancel last minute when I knew he really wanted to see me and blame it on uber's prices (which he is paying for so it seems like I'm considering him), or me just not wanting to be bothered.

I'd also casually mention in conversations how much closer we could get when he can see me more often because I have my car. First, he said he needed to wait on his tax refund to have the rest and he waited until April 18th to file (eye roll). When we met up to go shopping at the mall a few days after him filing I told him there was a deadline and kept applying pressure with my actions as described above and he produced the rest of the amount days later. [screenshots 19-21 show the lead up to that deadline discussion]

[screenshots 22-25 are him switching his tune after that and producing the remaining amount earlier than he originally said he could].

It's important to know that the car thing only worked because he doesn't know where I live so he can't just come pick me up. On top of that, I make sure I look amazing and bring my fun personality every single time I see him and it makes our dates something he craves. He also knows I'd shut down and stop dealing with him if he doesn't step up to the plate to take care of what I say I want or need. I think of myself as his expensive habit that he probably can't afford on paper but will make work. You've read Ho Tactics, so basically I'm Disneyland lol.


