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So I’m happy you enjoyed the Livestream and it made you take a look at your relationship. I will say this though your relationship is a little different because you slept with your "boyfriend" and I think you are more upset that you settle for what he was giving instead of asking for more. A basic couple's trip to a  Maldives is around $4K-5K, although you said he enjoyed it to leads me to believe that he is a trick daddy. A trick daddy is not going to necessarily hand you the cash anything that he gives you has he has to be included in.The thing is rather it’s paying for food, on his card so he can see the transaction or paying for your girl's night out so that he can see exactly where you went. Etc. I would also like to add that he is mentioning sex because it’s on the table because you have done it before. He’s definitely using it as a form of manipulation. You keep saying he doesn’t have money like that but I think he has money for what he wants to spend it on. If he’s going to pay for your surgery I’m assuming the average surgery is around $6000-$8000. MAKE HIM FEEL MORE INVOLVED IN THE SURGERY. I feel like he’s done the bare minimum for you because again you have given him the opportunity to FEEL that he gave you more than he gets back. When you are finessing with ease, men don’t even see it coming, they feel so much gratitude and appreciation from you that there is no room for them to list all the things that they have done for you. It’s very clear that you don’t like this man and you just want your surgery paid (as you should since you gave him the pearl) however if it’s that evident to me imagine how evident it is to him. You have to get the power back.

Step 1: Let him know you care about him to send him a Uber eats gift card for like $20-$30. Tell him lunch is on you xoxo 💋 Make sure you send a meaningful note!

Step 2: Send meaningful quotes every other day extremely early in the morning. ((ONE OF THE QUOTES SHOULD BE ABOUT A MAN KEEPING HIS WORD)). He’s going to start asking why you are up at 5 AM? that’s when you let him know that you have been getting up & working out early. You want to be healthy for your surgery.

(Change in routines)

Step 3: Get all glammed up and FaceTime him. Get a Lil naughty but not too much !!!! Just a nice blouse or a sexy dress. But I mean super glam like if you have to go get your makeup professionally done then do that.  But this is the perfect opportunity to bring up your surgery. I also want to say SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR RELATIONSHIP BEING MORE THAN INTIMACY.“

Step 4: Send Old pics of you guys in the Maldives. Remembering the good times 😍🥰 then send some new pics of you to remind his old ass once again!

Step 5: Once everything is going somewhat good and back on track you bring up something dramatic that’s happened to you! He’s EE yes but once you STROKE that EGO the correct way he will have some ss(sympathetic steve) tendencies. It’s not easy but do you want your surgery or not??!?! This something dramatic could range from your Instagram getting hacked then your great uncle who was like a father to you being in the hospital to then your surgery might be canceled if you don’t pay the full amount by August 25th. YOUR WORLD IS FALLING DOWN 🥺

If you do the first 4 steps correctly #5 will be a breeze! 

What do you all think? Should she drop him or is there anything you want to add?

I want to add in you do not get this type of help by simply messaging me on Patreon. I DO GIVE OUT ADVICE AND SEND YOU LINKS TO POSTS THAT CAN HELP YOU. However, I did make an exception because she has been on my Patreon for a year + if you need this type of advice, one on one help, or mentorship please click on the link below:







What was her response to him? I feel like she should ask probing questions. Find out what it is exactly that makes him feel unappreciated. Acknowledge, Take ownership, apologize, change behavior, and do everything Chanel just said. Anything to keep the ball rolling. This is a finesse game, but we have to keep in mind that these Men are human. If they feel rejected, they will leave and someone else will be getting your bag.


TAKE OWNERSHIP!!! AND APOLOGIZE!! I 100% agree!! + you catch more bees with honey ! use you soft nature and feminine woe!