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“Don’t mind me, just here trying to help you make your dating bios unique and fun, and grab the right guy’s attention.”

Dating me is like :

  • dreaming in colors that don’t exist
  • dating Cher Horowitz  as if 🤭
  • dating Hilary Banks
  • dating Tony childs
  • dating Whitley Gilbert
  • dating Chanel oberlin
  • dating Elle Woods
  • dating a nicer Regina george
  • finding a rare gem in a vast desert
  • a material girl 💄
  • Finding buried treasure on vacation
  • nothing you can ever imagine
  • investing in Apple stock before its meteoric rise
  • investing in stock before its sudden rise
  • hitting the lottery twice
  • finding a hidden gem
  • is like finding a hidden gem in a sea of ordinary stones
  • California weather year around
  • Hawaii weather year around
  • exhilaration




The dating Hilary Banks one has been a hit! I’ve been getting so many responses because my name is actually Hilary so it’s cute/funny 🥰