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Got an interesting blend of tones this week that's a liiiittle all over the place, but certainly never dull.. what'd y'all think of Beat the Devil??

"Beat the Devil"

Reaction Highlights: https://vimeo.com/951759462/57ea1ba0e2

Watch Along: https://youtu.be/7nXf9ES5UQk

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SUPERNATURAL (Reaction Highlights Begin At Season 2)


Supernatural 13x21 - REACTION HIGHLIGHTS [re-up]


Josh Baker

Ooo, I remember this episode, lol. I think the description you gave is fitting “all over the place, but never dull.” Damn, you guys are finally pulling up on the episode when I finally decided to stop watching (not because a particular episode was so bad that I decided to stop loll, it was just between seasons). I’m actually gonna get to watch these episodes WITH you guys which is fuckin wilddd to me considering many years have passed since 1) I stopped watching SPN and 2) I started watching y’all. Crazy to think about, but makes me so dang appreciative of you two that I can’t really explain it.