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Hey guys! We've heard you on the discord! Greg wanted to let you know what was going on! Please note - we know there are some issues. We are working through this as best we can! Please give us a little patience as we figure out our best steps moving forward! Thanks guys! - PLD

PS - I've never been a big discord guy either. I use it solely to talk to my son because that's where he communicates lol. We'll fix things up!


Hamzeh Hamoudeh

Hey Greg, I’ve been familiar with discord for over 4-5 years now and if you’d like any help with setting up channel verifications to avoid bots and add roles with personal selection for specific chats that allow the rejects options into what convos they wanna insert themselves in just let me know. I also know of a few moderation bots for discord channels to help managing.

Hamzeh Hamoudeh

Also, I’m not in the discord channel myself mainly cause I’m in enough channels as is but willing to join if help is needed


I think that for your discord, you'd need several moderators. Typically they are volunteers. Then you interact directly with the moderators. They can kick out troublemakers. I stopped using the discord looooong ago because of there were a few very toxic bullies on it who seemed to love attacking people for literally anything.


That is basically what we are starting to do. We have the two now who are revamping the place a bit. I've become a contact person now with them in cast they need assistance. I will also be checking in as well! - PLD

Stephen C. Bell

You guys have a discord server?