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Season 2 goes out with a BANG & a whole lot'a cliffhangers!! How's everybody feeling about Squid Game: Infinity War Pt. 1???

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Squid Game 2x7 | Season 2 FINALE - WATCH ALONG



So I think next season’s poster will have everybody on the O side and Gi-hun on the X, but I do see your issues with how this episode big finale happened. I look at it as this hunger games catching fire you’re in the games you know these people don’t wanna be in the games at least the ex people and what do you do attack the people who created the games now this episode basically put catching fire mixed in with Mockingjay part one having the cliffhanger like catching fire by having them fight the creators like Mockingjay part one and two, but you know what I’m saying. But if there is a winner next season, I think it’s gonna be the trans woman but since there’s a pregnant woman in there, I think multiple people will get the money.


And the people that joined him were either scared by what just occurred that night and people he’s been riding with since the beginning are at least episode two and they want out, like the trans woman only joins because of her background and also because she got in close to people in this game, like the girl who died in the previous game and she probably feels that it was her fault in someway that she died because she chose oh for selfish reasons when she knew that this person wanted it out and couldn’t handle being in the game, but you can even see that the people that don’t join them like the mom and son are the pregnant woman is because They’re not fighters and they don’t want to be killed following a man into the unknown if more people joined them then yeah they probably would have but they were scared, especially by what just occurred with everyone killing each other

Ana Karen

I agree with Greg on this it just feels unsatisfying and the build up didn’t feel earn

Alexis Thompson

I agree that this feels like the worlds longest trailer for season 3. But since both season 2 & 3 were filmed back to back its confirmed the finale to be aired in 2025. I'm familiar with Korean Dramas in regards to LGBT characters. Socially Korea is conservative, like right wing conservative. Playing a trans character is a major step. Even playing a gay character can affect an actor's image. That being said, the writer did an amazing job in making the character seamlessly blend with the other character with out turning it into a woke spotlight/diversity check mark seen so often in American shows. And some of the characters in the shadows are very well known actors, so they will certainly get more screen time next season. If you are curious about the actor that plays the transwoman and interested in dipping you toe into K-Drama, he was amazing in The Glory, also on netflix.

Kou Yang

I agree with Greg. I feel like there were a few plot points that were missing; Some type of motivation as to why some of the characters would choose to rebel with gi hun. I'm thinking maybe they see it as a last stich effort to get out of the games at the cost of not getting any money, since team O has wiped out the majority of team X which would give team O the majority votes. Maybe there should have been one more ep before the finale that flesh out some of the character's motivation to participate in gi hun's rebellion. Overall, still an amazing season. Can't wait for the next one.

Scott Spence

I can buy it not taking much to get the "rebels" on board. They've watched these nameless, faceless pink blobs callously, unforgivingly, & violently kill people they formed bonds with, knowing in most cases it could be them.