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It'll be a Christmas in January this year 😅, buuut we did manage to squeeze one more Supernatural Saturday in here at the end of the year! Hope y'all are having a nice, relaxing holiday!!!

Reaction Highlights: https://vimeo.com/1042686490/9b5e879eaa

Watch Along: https://youtu.be/ylrfWhHLpJQ

DON'T FORGET To Check Out Our Website We Created For Our Super Sexy Rejects To Better Navigate Our Patreon Posts...and then some :) https://www.reelrejects.com/


SUPERNATURAL REACTIONS on the Websitehttps://www.reelrejects.com/supernaturalreactions

Seasons 13 and 14 are being filled out, but the rest of the back catalog is already up!!


SUPERNATURAL (Reaction Highlights Begin At Season 2)


Supernatural 14x8 - WATCH ALONG!!


Michelle Denny

So glad this came up today, I was hoping to get one as I heal from a surgery. I always tried to avoid the Then part of the episode as it tends to give away so much of what will happen in the episode. I loved the actress who played Lily in this episode as well as the actress who played Duma.It is always nice when they can bring an actor back. The lady who played Duma was also in the episode where Sam was facing his “other” selves, the no soul Sam, the one who remembers hell Sam. She was the bartender who went with him to figure out who he was. Hope that you all have a safe and happy new year and may 2025 be a great one!