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It'll be a Christmas in January this year 😅, buuut we did manage to squeeze one more Supernatural Saturday in here at the end of the year! Hope y'all are having a nice, relaxing holiday!!!

Reaction Highlights: https://vimeo.com/1042686490/9b5e879eaa

Watch Along: https://youtu.be/ylrfWhHLpJQ

DON'T FORGET To Check Out Our Website We Created For Our Super Sexy Rejects To Better Navigate Our Patreon Posts...and then some :) https://www.reelrejects.com/


SUPERNATURAL REACTIONS on the Websitehttps://www.reelrejects.com/library-2-5/supernatural-reactions

Seasons 13 and 14 are being filled out, but the rest of the back catalog is already up!!


SUPERNATURAL (Reaction Highlights Begin At Season 2)


Supernatural 14x8 - REACTION HIGHLIGHTS [re-up]



I'm getting a page not found on the website supernatural reactions link?

Mikael Morgan

Took me a month and a half of binging since I joined and finally caught up.