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Ending the year off with a delightful dose of Glitz, Drama, & Romance!!

Reaction Highlights: https://youtu.be/OL4a8W7T8_Q

Watch Along: https://youtu.be/T_pH9ub7H6g

More Movie Reactions: https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=Movie%20Reaction


Crazy Rich Asians - WATCH ALONG!!


Cody Price

Love this film. :). Honestly, surprised it was not nominated for Best Adapted Screenplay in 2018.

Toasted Toad

Love this. In the book, Astrid buys those gaudy earrings as an act of rebellion. She thinks they are gaudy too. And I can’t believe I didn’t recognise Eddie, even after viewing this film several times! The film doesn’t explain the guy at the end, but the book does. He’s not new in Astrid’s life. He was a missed opportunity from the past. But I think the message is the same - Astrid’s going to be okay. BTW it’s well worth looking up the meaning of the mahjong game (just google it). You don’t need to understand it to enjoy that moment, obviously, but it’s even better when you know the meaning of the final moves.

Michael Ramirez

Trust me they need to do more, the books have even more crazy twists

Grand Moff Slackin'

Crossing my fingers for Crazy Rich Podcasters 🤞🏼

Karman Wilmot

Happy New Year! 🎊🎆


i watched this movie for the first time not long ago and really enjoyed however the one thing i disliked was just a personal problem with the guy cheating on astrid i just dont see how anyone could cheat on someone that looks like that lol