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Kurt Russell & John Carpenter Team Up Once Again for an '80s Kung Fu Exploitation Sci-Fi Fantasy Action Comedy EPIC!! Where would you rate this amid Carpenter's '80s output??

Reaction Highlights: https://youtu.be/hqRYRT10MRM

Watch Along: https://youtu.be/yWaeSM4DtQs

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Big Trouble in Little China - WATCH ALONG!!


Dakota Jones

You guys gotta do in the mouth of madness john carpenter and sam neil at their finest right before jurrasic park!

Cody Price

Kurt Russell’s first film role was in uncredited role in an Elvis film, It Happened at The World’s Fair. Kurt was 12 years old at the time.

Cody Price

Got to get Coy to react to Backdraft. He would absolutely love it. :)


LFGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! legit my favorite childhood film the kurt russell playing a side kick that thinks hes the main character makes this movie an action scifi horror comedy that Ive seen 800 million times.(writing this before watching the reaction hopefully yall love it.


Reel Rejects killing it and reacting to one of my faves! I think it's time for a rewatch.

Joshua Vickers

I thought the movie was going to be playing in the video 😭😭


Can't do that for full watchalongs. It's against copywrite laws which is why we always stress sync up with your own copy! We've known other channels who got shut down because of it! - PLD