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The Chronicles CONTINUE!! Now with Ben Barnes! Do you prefer this one or The Lion, The Witch, & The Wardrobe??

Reaction Highlights: https://youtu.be/l-rONbjUUa4

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The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian - WATCH ALONG!!



This one holds a special place in my heart. I've watched it sooo many times as a child.

Curtis Rice

I loved this one, more than first. I sometimes get the plots of this one and third jumbled in my head.


I think I like this more than the first. I love all three, but Ben Barnes is just so perfect as Prince Caspian.


I’m pretty sure Tolkien and C.S Lewis were friends!


Also I just ordered the boxset because I know this series ends after the third movie and I really want to know how it ends

Arlene Dorrough

I read all 7 books when I was a kid. I remember the book Prince Caspian being very theology heavy. My favorites were Voyage of the Dawn Treader, The Silver Chair and The Horse and his Boy. I wish they had continued the movie series to at least to include the next 2 books.

Jules R

this one is my favourite in the 3, I went a saw it alot in the theatres when it was out, was a cool theatrical movie, and I wanted to escape into this fantasy world a lot because of how beautiful it was. The susan and peter having their last movie/story thing it's in the books and explains there that they have grown up enough to take what they learned from the fantasy child like feelings and were getting so grown that it was time for them to learn how to live in the real world. Susan and Caspian's thing wasn't in the book so it was not as loved by the book fans because of it when it aired. Also a little tid bit the last guy that the mouse stabs after he says your a mouse and he replys you people have no imaginiation, that guy was the creator of the mouse. So was fun to see him get stabbed by his own creation, lol


I really enjoy this one a lot! I've never seen the third because I have a HORRIBLE habit of dipping out of incomplete series (whether its movies, tv or books) so i lost all interest after hearing they weren't going to continue them and also at one point I think you mentioned Heath Ledger (well maybe not Heath but the Dark Knight) so now I have a mighty powerful and random urge to watch a Knights Tale and the hilarious irony is both Andrew and John also react to that one together so I see a theme is emerging without meaning to tonight lol This night belongs to Andrew and John apparently 😅🤣🤣🤣❤️❤️ P.S also forgot I was going to ask was that really a catepult? Or was it a trebuchet? (I'm being serious) I'm trying to remember the difference between the two and I THINK with a catepult you use tension? And a trebuchet uses a counter weight? I think 😬... Help? lol


This one was always the better book and movie imo. Rare sequel W's are what I live for.


i havent watched these movies since i was a child but i was recently rewatching punisher and my friend told me that billy played prince caspian and that honestly blew me away. these movies do hold a special place in my heart though as they were the movies i grew up on. going to be nice to rewatch them now