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Was a little worried when we didn't see much of a push for this, buuuut if these first couple episodes are any indication, this could be pretty dang special!! What'd y'all think of the 2 episode Premiere???

Reaction Highlights: https://youtu.be/qbD7phFgAYU

Watch Along: https://youtu.be/wnzYl8dKUXY

More Movie Reactions: https://www.patreon.


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IG: https://www.instagram.com/reelrejects/ 

TT: https://www.tiktok.com/@thereelrejects?lang=en


Follow AARON & TARA:

Follow Aaron On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/therealaaronalexander/?hl=en

Follow Coy Jandreau:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@UCwYH2szDTuU9ImFZ9gBRH8w


Spiderman 1 2 WATCHALONG


Dakota Jones

Loved the first ep!!! Waited to watch 2 till this dropped!


It FEELS like the writers have a story to tell rather than just making the show just to make it. Sad Marvel isn't promoting it but excited to see where this and the next 2 season lead

Flev Dorin

Bald by choice

Malik Currie

Writing & story is good. I detest the animation style though

Andrew Garcia

Really loved how different this story is going. It’s very exciting to watch it with all you guys