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Full Question is: "What Do You Think of Society's Definition of 'normal' and how do you think you fit into it or don't fit into it?"

Thanks for the thought provoking question, Adelia!


Adelia C - March Q&A


Adelia Chamberlain

Thanks for answering the question guys! Really loved hearing what you had to say on the subject. Can't agree with you more, really. You just phrased it a lot better than I did.


"Normality" is incredibly overrated. It's synonymous with "boring" and who would ever want to aspire to that? Not anyone I care to associate with, that's for sure. Really, all social constructs should be done away with. I understand they provide people with a certain sense of comfort, but they do a lot more harm than good in the grand scheme of things.


It certainly seems like! At least when we collectively cling to and force each other into them. And like you said, normality is a bit of a bland concept when you get right down to it. If we're all expected to be one or two specific ways, then everyone's the same and life loses its flavor.

Ron Harrison

With all the variation in people, it's difficult if not impossible to say what is normal. Humans have traits. We all laugh, cry, get angry, want to belong, need privacy, need to express ourselves, want to be loved or want show love to others, etc. I feel our traits are what makes us human. As a gay guy, normal doesn't have much meaning when talking about myself or other people.


You said it, man! Really well-put. Seems like the older we get, the less uniform and homogenized everything begins to feel (truly, like at the core) and the stranger all of life can start to appear. Doesn't seem like any kind of coincidence that so many people feel uncomfortable or alien in their own skin, especially when you start to realize that.. it's pretty much literally impossible for any two people to have the EXACT same experience over the course of a life. I think you put that really well - it's the variety of our traits and experiences that makes us human. So the only truly normal thing is changes and the lack of major, true norms haha. Thanks, as always, for the feedback, man!

Ron Harrison

You're welcome. (: