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all I can tell you is we're shocked. 

So many damn shootings...just running out of words.

It's easy to go to social media and say the go to cliche' things when the shootings happen, but right now - just don't know what to say. 

I have read reports every time there's a shooting, but because this is youtube a lot of people have asked me about this.

It's no different, I am greatly disheartened by this, and am angry about our gun laws. Plain and simple. Change needs to happen and the victims at Youtube HQ need our most optimistic thoughts cause in this current moment that's all we can really do. Yes, let's put our best thoughts & emotions towards the victims of the shooting and towards those who are still on the scene getting to a place of safety. 

Once this situation calms, I am not looking forward to all the "now's not the time to talk about gun control" but goddamn it, when will it be? If you're someone who reads this and is pissed about the stance we take on this, I'd redirect that energy into thinking about the countless victims from all these shootings.

How many more victims do we need before we make a change? Or have a REAL discussion about it? This is fucking ridiculous.


Steph Williams

well said 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Abdul Bhutta

Very well said. I’m 100% with your stance on this. Praying and hoping for change. 😔

Eric Oliver

Yep! Agree with everything here... I'm ready to be part of that conversation.

Rosa Parra

Well said!! enough is enough

Heather Crisford

I think that the Parkland students letting local candidates know that if they’re taking money from the NRA then they will be voted out of office later in the year is a really good tactic, and clearly has some people rattled judging by the targeted abuse they’ve received over the past few weeks. I’ve argued with so many gun obsessed Americans and there is just no getting through to them though, they are so defiant about giving up a perceived freedom when it’s clear to everyone else that nobody is free when they live under the chaos and tyranny of a system that allows every citizen access to weapons of war. Maybe war is what they want, I don’t know. It always seems like it’s the most vulnerable innocent people who are ultimately the victims though.

Ron Harrison

We have to get back to the idea of elected politicians looking out for the interests of the majority of people. Most citizens want tougher gun laws that will protect everyone. Too many politicians are swayed by large campaign contributions from those who only have their own selfish interests at heart. Every time our politicians ignore the harm caused by gun violence, it allows weak people with evil intentions the opportunity to kill innocent citizens. It's time for us to look more at campaign finance reform and reducing how much sway lobbyists for the NRA have over our politicians. It's way past time to fix this. Our politicians and judges, whether they be Democrat or Republican, need to take a stand to protect us all. Now.

Olivia Christine (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:40:47 Greg it is so sexy when you get political and care about important things. <3
2018-04-04 04:06:00 Greg it is so sexy when you get political and care about important things. <3

Greg it is so sexy when you get political and care about important things. <3

Loki Marcus (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:40:47 I'm a person who greatly values human life. It deeply saddens me whenever something like this occurs. I hope the fighting over gun laws is brought to some form of conclusion sooner than later. All we can hope for is compromise at this point. Keep doing what you're doing, and continue to make others smile. People need that now more than ever these days. &lt;3
2018-04-05 02:02:05 I'm a person who greatly values human life. It deeply saddens me whenever something like this occurs. I hope the fighting over gun laws is brought to some form of conclusion sooner than later. All we can hope for is compromise at this point. Keep doing what you're doing, and continue to make others smile. People need that now more than ever these days. <3

I'm a person who greatly values human life. It deeply saddens me whenever something like this occurs. I hope the fighting over gun laws is brought to some form of conclusion sooner than later. All we can hope for is compromise at this point. Keep doing what you're doing, and continue to make others smile. People need that now more than ever these days. <3


Well, we live in California - where this conversation is a very public thing. I think the circles we run in - maybe just by the laws of attraction - we encounter plenty of people with similar beliefs. Although, there are those with the opposite. I think if we keep saying we want a change, eventually, the government has to start opening up the conversation


We'll do our best, Devin. It's a strange feeling when something like this happens...feel so useless in terms of helping solve the actual problem lol