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Thanks for the question, Bizarre Reactions!!! What 80's Movie Would You Like To See A Sequel To?!

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80's Movie We Want A Modern Day Sequel To!!!


Ron Harrison

I'd like to see a sequel to Airplane or The Thing. There hasn't been a great Airplane comedy since Soul Plane. I think this is the perfect time for another airplane comedy. It's would be extremely hard to top John Carpenter's The Thing, but with modern special effects and a great story maybe. On a completely unrelated topic, I wrote a fantasy novel called Frederick's Flower. It's on Kindle. It's a great read.

Ron Harrison

I saw A Quiet Place tonight and loved it. It completely blew me away. What a well written horror movie! Wow!! I think it may even be able to hold its own against Avengers Infinity War. I saw Isle of Dogs a week or so ago and that was good too.


So happy to hear that! Really happy that not just critics but audiences are loving it too!


I know John caught Isle of Dogs, he said he really liked it, maybe even get a review or some discussion hopefully soon -G


Well wasn't there a sequel to Airplane? Unless you have a different idea and kind of ignore that one. I remember The Thing had a prequel a few years back, but I think that's something that could possibly happen. After all, the 1980's movie was a remake. They would just have to stick to practical effects!