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AKA The Octopus....

If you guys made it past this episode, can you let us know in your personal opinion if the show gets better?! haha

Honestly, it's still fun to do reactions to, despite the criticisms we genuinely look forward to it and it's fun to pick apart lol Would still love to hear your opinion!


Jessica Jones Season 2 Episode 5 REACTION!!!



I got through 1-10 binging it before stopping and i just haven’t gone back


It pains me to say this because I adored the first season so much, but season 2 was disappointing. The character arcs were interesting enough, but the plot draaaaagged. The lack of a defined villain, everyone's moodiness, and the low production value made for an overall underwhelming experience. Without Kilgrave's flair, this show struggled to keep my interest. Total mistake to kill him off so soon. The story could've worked better as a component of a grander picture; on its own, it wasn't enough to sustain an entire season.


Damn haha you’re so close to the end!! Do you think you’ll go back or are you over it?


I’ll probably watch it with yall if you get that far. I saw a Spoiler on Twitter on accident so im alright with not seeing it


Can definitely see where you’re coming from here. I feel like the show can work without Kilgrave, but they need an equally relevant villain/presence otherwise the conflicts n things begin to feel more stock (to us anyway). Seems like this season has good enough ideas, but less of a sense for how to execute them in a way that maintains the suspense and momentum. And yeah, the moodiness is sort of starting to grate rather than being an earmark of the show’s personality. Hoping they can figure things out for season 3!


Oof haha. That doesn't bode well 😂 We're gonna do our very best to stick with it and get thru to the end of the season. Still having some fun watching it and.. y'know.. continuing to vaguely hope it heats up at some point haha. Either way, we'll letcha know when we reach 11.


For sure. I have faith these shortcomings will be rectified next season, now that Jessica’s past has been dealt with and she can move forward. I do think the season is worth finishing to see where everyone ends up. For all its struggles to keep me engaged, it definitely didn’t slack on character development. Those guys went through a JOURNEY.


That's good to hear, at least. Seems like there are a lot of good/interesting ideas with where they want to take the characters, what sorta effects they want this season to have on them and that stuff's still intriguing in its own way. Here's hoping they can learn from this most recent crop of shows and tighten 'em up heading into the next batch of new seasons!