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A little nervous about this one but this should be up Tuesday or Wednesday. Shot for 4 hours and then looking at maybe another hour or two tomorrow along with shooting and editing the usual stuff - thank you Patron-O-Jects for your support! If it weren’t for you guys contributing to the channel in the midst of YouTube being the way it has been the past year and a half - we wouldn’t be able to find time every other month to cook up one of these bad boys. LOVE YA’ll



David Gandy

Looking forward to it!

Ron Harrison

Glad you're doing this. Want to see more of your acting.


Oh yes, baby. Cook up dat goodness.


Thanks, man!! Definitely a treat to flip the script and do a little acting/shooting again. 😊 Footage looks pretty good so far - excited to share it with you!!


Keep an eye-out! Prime cuts of Reject-goodness comin' your way!! (provided we don't fuck it up lol)