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May 2018 Q&A Time begins, fellow Patron-O-Jects! 

Majority of them being Infinity War questions haha

Starting off with the very first question that came in - so THANKS to Steph Williams for submitting :))

If you haven't had a chance to put down your question yet 

follow the linkhere: https://www.patreon.com/posts/may-2018-q-time-18559328

Leave your question In the Comment Box 😉


Thoughts on Tom Holland Improvising "THAT SCENE" In Infinity War?!


Steph Williams

thanks for answering, guys! also side note: i’ve seen lots of people saying that peter’s death scene was drawn out more because of his spidey sense. especially since he says “i don’t feel so good”

Jason Dolan

Weird, I thought the improv scene was, oh we're using our made up names, then I'm spider-man...


That one definitely feels like it could've been. I know they've confirmed this particular scene, but I wouldn't be altogether surprised if he'd improvised that one as well. Tom Holland seems pretty sharp.


No problem! Appreciate the question :) Hadn't thought of his Spidey-sense in that moment, but that would definitely make some sense. And I gotta imagine that slight anticipation would be pretty jarring 😳 combined with whatever physical sensation would be going on haha.