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Found out you were back in the hospital my dear, just wanted to say we love you and hope you recover quickly!


IMG 7719


T.J. Trakas

Best wishes and good vibes to you Rosa. Wishing you a healthy and speedy recovery after the surgery.

Rosa Parra

Thank you very much T.J I appreciate it.

Rosa Parra

My rejects!! You guys never fail to make me laugh. You guys are the best!!!. Yes I did have severe back pain but has nothing to do with the size of my breast lol. It’s due to stones on one of my ducts lol. Thank you for your kind words and wishes!!...love you guys!!!😘😘😘😘😘

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:38:14 Aw, I'm really glad to hear that 😊😊 Always happy to bring a smile to your face -- and good to know it's just the stones hahaha. Love you too & wishing you a speedy recovery!!
2018-05-11 17:36:42 Aw, I'm really glad to hear that 😊😊 Always happy to bring a smile to your face -- and good to know it's just the stones hahaha. Love you too & wishing you a speedy recovery!!

Aw, I'm really glad to hear that 😊😊 Always happy to bring a smile to your face -- and good to know it's just the stones hahaha. Love you too & wishing you a speedy recovery!!