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Thanks for the request, Rosa Parra :))

How would you guys rank your Top 10?!


Top 10 MCU Films REACTION!!!


Jason Dolan

!). Doctor Strange (. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 *. Spider-Man Homecoming &. Captain America Civil War ^. The Avengers %. Avengers Infinity War $. Iron Man #. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1 @. Captain America The Winter Soldier !. Thor Ragnorak

Steph Williams

(this is so hard, and honestly the second half of this list is a little iffy because i need to rewatch some of these films) 1. Captain America: The Winter Soldier 2. Spiderman: Homecoming (my favorite, but cap 2 is objectively a better film) 3. Captain America: Civil War 4. Black Panther 5. Captain America: The First Avenger 6. Avengers: Infinity War 7. Thor: Ragnarok 8. The Avengers 9. Antman 10. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

Ron Harrison

My problem with this list is that most of the Marvel Studios films are really satisfying. Only some have disappointed me like Iron Man 3. I don't think the earlier Thor films were bad. Some modern audiences had a hard time embracing Asgard and it's people. I think that's why we got Thor Ragnarok. Thor Ragnarok had funny moments, but it also cleaned house in a major way which is why I wasn't happy with it and also couldn't fully enjoy it. Most of the movies on this list I liked, but that just goes back to my original point about Marvel films being satisfying in general

Ron Harrison

19. The Incredible Hulk 18. Iron Man 3 17. Thor Ragnarok 16. Thor: The Dark World 15.Spiderman: Homecoming 14. Iron Man 2 13.Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 12. Captain America: The First Avenger 11. Thor 10. Iron Man 9. Ant-Man 8. Avengers: Age of Ultron 7. Guardians of the Galaxy 6.Doctor Strange 5.Captain America: The Winter Soldier 4. Captain America: Civil War 3. Marvel’s The Avengers 2. Black Panther 1. Avengers: Infinity War


Haha I like the way you numbered this. Good ranking, too! Wasn't expecting Ragnarok to show up at ! haha.


Haha right?? It's okay, if you ever decide to switch your ranking, we certainly wouldn't blame you 😝 Also appreciate that you chose to differentiate between your favorite and the objective best. Nice to see First Avenger get a li'l love as well. Good ranking!


Definitely feel ya on this. I feel like a lot of folks aren't big on Dark World, but I quite enjoyed the first Thor and I did appreciate the second for going even further into its more fantastical elements with the Asgardians and all that. Can definitely see that criticism as well when it comes to Ragnarok, tho. Know a few people, actually, who were less than pleased with the direction that one took. And I think that's sorta what's fun about ranking the MCU, especially as it's gotten older - there's a good enough variety that if you read enough rankings, you're bound to see each of them make a top 10 at some point.

Jason Dolan

Thor Ragnorak is everything I like about Flash Gordon and Krull. Tessa Thomson stole my heart. The entire cast. Hela is a top five villain - I loved seeing Thor realize his kingdom was built on death - similar to America's relationship with the Native Americans - this movie is SO deep. I loved the gritty realism of CATWS. Redford is one of my top five favorite villains in the MCU. GotG is so original. Iron Man, which came out the same year as The Dark Knight is Batman if Batman told everyone he was Bruce Wayne, which hilariously, the plot of The Dark Knight is Bruce Wayne doing everything he can NOT to tell anybody he is Batman. Infinity War is everything I loved about Ragnorak and Guardians and Iron Man mashed into one storyline. The Avengers is just a boatload of fun. Civil War is the better version of Batman v Superman... I can admit that... put also, a more fair fight. Because Captain America can't fly or shoot lasers from his eyes so you feel like Tony has a shot to win this. Homecoming brought about my favorite, or second favorite now, MCU villain and Ned is an incredible character and true surprises in this movie. GotG2 is the less good version of its predecessor, but the addition of Mantis, the growth of the characters, another top 5 villain in Ego, and this movie is more enjoyable every time I see it. Finally Doctor Strange is just so trippy and Scott Derrickson's name doesn't get thrown around enough but what he did was as impressive as Watiti, Gunn and the Russos.


Great list, man! Nice to see a li'l Ant-Man love in the top 10 - Crazy to think that in a couple short months, there'll be 20 films under the MCU banner!

Ron Harrison

Thanks! Ant-Man was really fun and full of imagination. (: So glad Marvel Studios is doing three movies a year.

Mikael Lindén

1. Captain America: The Winter Soldier 2. Avengers: Infinity War 3. Iron Man 4. Black Panther 5. Thor: Ragnarök 6. Captain America: Civil War 7. Marvel's The Avengers 8. Doctor Strange 9. Spider-Man: Homecoming 10.Guardians of the Galaxy 11.Captain America: The First Avenger 12.Ant-Man 13.Avengers: Age of Ultron 14.Thor 15.Iron Man 3 16.Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 17.Iron Man 2 18.Thor: The Dark World 19.The Incredible Hulk

Mikael Lindén

And this Is how I rank the tv-shows : 1. Marvel's Daredevil 2. Marvel's Luke Cage 3. Marvel's The Punisher 4. Marvel's The Defenders 5. Marvel's Jessica Jones 6. Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 7. Marvel's Iron Fist 8. Marvel's Agent Carter 9. Marvel's Runaways 10. Marvel's Inhumans


Oh yeah - excited to see them expand on that imagination with the second one! Was initially a bit skeptical about the quantity of films, but especially in the recent phase it seems like they've really got a good grip on how to mix things up, create variety, & keep things exciting. Definitely a special time to be a Marvel fan!


That's a pretty killer ranking! I think in terms of the films, yours and mine are pretty close, actually 😁 Like that you did the shows as well. Definitely hard to dethrone Daredevil.. and I think I'll always feel a little bad for them for the blunder that was Inhumans haha.