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Attack on Titan gets a new intro and end credits sequence with EPISODE 14 of ATTACK ON TITAN "Eve Of The Counterattack, Part 1"

Erin Jaeger must go on trial with The Military Police wanting him executed and The Scouts wanting him recruited...

And I honestly can't tell if the season just took a shift or if Netflix just didn't title this Season 2 Episode 1 lol. But it's a great episode to a new chapter!


ATTACK ON TITAN 1x14 REACTION "Eve of The CounterAttack Part 1"



It is still season 1, but a new arc. Most anime have a new anime OP/ED after 12/13 episodes, because Japanese TV slots are split in 4 seasons. Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall.

Ryan H

Nope its still season 1. A lot of anime change openings and endings every 12 or 24 episodes.

justin munn

I love these vids