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Return of THE MEG

Return of JOHN WINCHESTER (But not that 300th Episode special everyone's psyched about)

And the introduction of Alec Baldwin's THE SHADOW (Anyone remember that film)

In other words -





brittany beyerle

looooove this episode. meg is a badass villain. >D


She is!! Was pretty cool to see her back again - and the way they intro'd that with Sam and everything. Really smooth! Got me that much more excited to see A) when she might pop back up again.. and B) who ELSE might pop up from episodes past 😮

Elle B.

Touching on the learning curve you mentioned about Dean wanting to stay together as a family earlier in the episode but by the end it was Sam wanting to stay together and Dean wanting to split up... Sam also told Dean during that conversation “You gotta let me go my own way” and at the end John said “You have to let me go” to Sam. Ugh, I love this show!


Oh snap!! Haha not sure I lucidly connected that dot (with the line sorta coming back), but that is pretty great. And super rewarding overall just to have them all back together for a stretch... can't wait for that 300th episode 😝

Toasted Toad

I think the point in these emotional scenes between Dean and Sam is not whether they're going to live/die, separate/not-separate (because obviously, we have 15 seasons ), but why things are going to happen that way and how they both feel about it. They can be really deep character moments.