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Ahoy, Patron-O-Jects!

Just wanted to stop in  to say hello and wish you all well!  Had a long day trekking across the country for this family memorial, but we're finally settled in.  Was nice to chill for a few & catch up with your comments before bed!

I might try to post a pic or two while I'm out here, but in the meantime I thought I'd leave y'all something a little different, just to have a little fun and change things up..  😊

One thing people often recommend is that you record yourself when you're trying to learn songs or instruments and this came out of that!  ...aaaand it also came around the time I was starting to discover that it may have been our new mic that was defective and not the camera.. lol..  crazy week!

Anyhow, thank you guys (as always) for being awesome and in the meantime...   enjoy!  😝


It's a Mic Test!


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