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Thanks for the question, DAVID GANDY!!!

Full Question Goes As Follows:

Hi guys;  What are your opinions on Shakespeare adaptations to film?  Do you have any specific preferences such as straight adaptations or slight alterations such as McKellen's Richard III or Stewert's Macbeth or looser ones such as 10 Things I Hate About You or simplified such as The Lion King?

Sound off in the comments of what your PERSONAL favorite Shaespears adaptation is!




David Gandy

Thanks guys, to gain insight into Elizabethen English it maybe helpful to read Ian Doescher adaptations of the 8 of the Star Wars episode movies into Shakespearean plays, (complete with stage directions). Read something you're familiar with the meaning seeing how it appears in Elizabethen English. Shakespeare can be tough but I always find it worth it delve into.

Loki Marcus

I still think that the romeo and juliet with guns was super pretentious.


Oh damn.. didn't know they made those, but that sounds like a pretty fascinating journey in-and-of itself... do they ever do live performances of that?? I like the idea of that as an inroad, actually, as opposed to essentially putting Shakespeare into the modern prose. To see something so familiar translated, I imagine would highlight things in a different way. Will have to track those down at some point, appreciate the recommendation!!


Hahaha that seems fair. I feel like that movie suits a specific taste. I think I've yet to meet anybody who's just... meh.. on it lol

David Gandy

Don't know about live performances but at least 4 are available as audio books on audible.com done with a cast. To keep Yoda unique all of his dialogue is in hiku as well as backwards Elizabethan English. Jar Jar gets excellent soliloquies in "The Phantom of Menace" to explain himself to the audience.