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"Something Wicked (This Way Comes)"

It's the last SUPERNATURAL SATURDAY of 2018, people!!!

On special orders from their father, the Brothers, Winchester head off to tangle with a sinister presence that appears to be draining the life-force of a small town's children...  only to discover that this isn't just *any* sinister presence that appears to be draining the life-force of a small town's children...

Join us for s'more SUPERNATURAL!!!


Supernatural 1x18 - "Something Wicked"


Dustin Duvall

Just doing a rewatch with yall, and Greg asked about the towns named, the names are from the Simpsons episode about the monorail.

Lillian Gao

Striga was in Witcher s1 too (the princess turned into a curse)

brittany beyerle

you two are hilarious. >D i think this is truly when the great debate about john's parenting began, it's a split in the fandom. i like glimpses into their past but there are future episodes that are far better and more significant when it comes to their past. the next couple episodes are still somewhat fillers, but let me tell you that the last two episodes and season two are much more intense with the main plot.

Esperanza Romero

We're nearing the end of the season!! I agree with Brittany, the next couple episodes are fillers... but not bad ones! I'm super excited to get into Season 2!


Aw haha, thanks dear!!! Glad our silly bantering wasn't too intrusive 😝 I would be fascinated to read some of the back and forth over that particular topic lol, I'm kinda tickled to know that's become a full-on fan debate. And good to know. I certainly don't mind a filler or two in a show like this so long as they're solid. Part of the charm is just getting to hang out in the world with these characters we enjoy so much. Plus that makes those meatier character moments all-the-more satisfying. Getting really excited to finally break into season 2. Kinda crazy to think we're almost there already!!


I knoooow, haha feels like we just got started!! And that's alright - like I said to her, I think there's something to be said for a solid filler in a show like this. Long as the episode's solid, I'm down. Getting reeeaaal excited for season 2, though. The closer we get the more I just wanna binge haha

Toasted Toad

I agree the modern kid schtick really wasn't necessary. It was already really personal for Dean. The glimpse into his past is really sad, though.

Jules R

I just found you guys and got to say your reactions are hilarious! Can’t wait to watch all of these supernatural reactions!