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Happy New Year, Patron-O-Jects! 

Once again, thank you to all who have been with us for so long, and I know a lot of you guys are brand spanking new so here's how it works for our WEEKLY Q&A's!!!

If you have a question you'd like us to do a video response to - LEAVE YOUR QUESTION in the comment box below! Once we hit the LIKE Button on it, that means we've shot a video to it.

We hop around the order in which we do but we eventually get to it within the month.

Let's get this train rolling!!!!


We are planning on doing a couple vids already about Favorite/ Worst Movies of the year and most likely Most Anticipated of 2019 so if you got a different question - I'd suggest going with that one haha


Anisa Oliva

What are some of your favorite moments/memories of 2018?🥳🎉love you two and hope y’all had a happy new year!!!💛

Mikael Lindén

A question for you who lives in Los Angeles. How common is it to see or meet movie stars in Los Angeles? I would think it is not so unusual.. but what do I know? 😀

Cruz Rivera

There’s always rumors going around about Hugh Jackman reprising as Wolverine in Avengers 4. So even though it’s likely to never happen, what do you guys think Wolverine would do in Endgame?


This is kinda a personal question but if y'all could build a time machine and go back in time to a certain event in your life would you change it or just left it alone. I would change my entire childhood if I could.


What are some movie remakes that are underrated or better than the original in yalls opinion? Also Happy New Year!

Jhon Arwood

Are there any movies that completely blasted past expectations and why?

Michael B.

What are your biggest hopes or goals for 2019?

Elle B.

What movie do you always quote?

Eric Horstman

What do you think will be the next big trend in social media and where do you see the future of YouTube (or any other content app) is heading? Hope this hasn’t been asked before!

Daniel Gallacher

With more films now being remade into television series, what other films do you think would work better with a TV show format and more time to develop its story?

House Heisenberg

If you could only watch 2 shows that have seasons airing in 2019, which would you pick? Mine are easy: Game of Thrones (final season) and Stranger Things (season 3)

T.J. Trakas

who would you want to collab with in 2019, whom you have not had on the channel before?

T.J. Trakas

What content, other than reactions, do you hope to work on and/or complete for 2019?

Gregory Bullock

After the success of Aquaman, what do you think the future of DC films will be?

Jamie Smith

Do you still do movie reviews or is my subscription box just not working😂

Scott Severin

Do you think in the next year or so that the general audience will want something other than Superhero films? I’m hoping that monster movies gets the recognition it truly deserves.