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Happy Sunday Patron-O-Jects & Thanks for the question, DRE!!!

What movies would you guys list?!?!


Movies Remakes That Are Underrated Or Better Than Original?!


Heather Crisford

This might be controversial but I think Michael Haneke’s Funny Games is really good. Let Me In was literally just made for people who can’t be bothered to read subtitles. I think Fincher’s Girl With The Dragon Tattoo is at least as good as the Swedish version, but I know a lot of people disagree. The Departed for sure. Does Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo and Juliet count??!


That's a good question haha. I'm not entirely sure what the rules would be with an adaptation like that, but I'd venture to say that Romeo + Juliet can have a seat at this discussion table haha. One of these days I'll have to check out the Dragon Tattoo films, but I did appreciate Funny Games. I think I've only seen the remake in its entirety up until this point, but that's definitely an effective, unsettling movie.