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"The White Knight Awakens"

REACTION HIGHLIGHTS LINK: https://vimeo.com/348500376/e9aa85e270

REVIEW BEGINS AT: 23 min 27 Seconds


Lelouch teams up with the terrorist group to take down the army as they destroy Shinjuku Ghetto. But when Suzaku is put in control of the army’s newest Knightmare model, will Lelouch’s plan fall apart? Or can he still move the pieces in his favor?


Code Geass Ep 2 Stage 2 The White Knight Awakens STREAM


Bannawit Pimpanuwat

Finally found a reason to continue Code Geass lol Don't know why but the show didn't really hook me the first time round. Will give it another shot :)


Haha well I hope you like it a little better this time! Y’know how some shows take a couple tries to really hook ya ;)

Bannawit Pimpanuwat

Oh yeah surprisingly... I guess it's because of great company. I got bored when I watched it alone 😂


Aw, that’s real nice to hear :)) Any time I can make something less boring that’s a win in my book lol. Happy to keep ya company, even if remotely!!