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"Test X Of X Tests"

REACTION HIGHLIGHTS LINK: https://vimeo.com/350193570/21a47f977b

REVIEW BEGINS AT: 23 min 31 Seconds


While taking a shortcut to the exam site, Gon, Leorio, and Kurapika encounter some old ladies who won't let them pass till they answer a quiz question.


Hunter X Hunter 1x2 Test x of x Tests STREAM


Ryan H

Glad you guys are liking the series. The first arc is my least favorite but it dose have some good moments.


I really like the first arc due to just world and character introductions. Greed Island is definitely my least favorite


I liked green island,but due to the fact that it was between two amazing arcs made it seem week in comparison.


Guys, you're all insane. Clearly Greed Island is the BEST arc, hands-down... But in seriousness lol, I suppose I get that, just since we're at the start of the show & everything's being set up n all that. Obviously I've got nothing to compare these first couple eps to, but we're both enjoying getting to know the world & characters so far. I think my favorite aspect thus far has been the nature of the different tests n all that. Excited for more!


I think my hero academia is a good comparison . MHA has very explosive first and second ep and overall the pacing and flair is more engaging than HxH. Then again theres 16 year difference between HxH manga and MHA . So different priorities/audiences and sensibilities


That makes a lot of sense. Probably take a little adjusting to given what else we've been watching up to this point, but I always enjoy kinda traveling around in the different phases of the medium and feeling the different sensibilities. Even if they happen to be more patient or lower-key.