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"Sin City"

REACTION HIGHLIGHTS LINK: https://vimeo.com/350515466/1c12544813

REVIEW BEGINS AT: 40 min 28 seconds



Sam & Dean investigate a rash of violent deaths in Elizabethville, Ohio, a once-sleepy town that has become a haven for gamblers and drinkers.


Supernatural 3x4 Sin City STREAM


Elle B.

Well I left a comment and went to edit a typo and then deleted it apparently, lol so here goes again— Regarding their motives for tempting the townspeople, I think the demons just wanted to show that humans are easily manipulated and weak. Demon-Casey did mention demons are stronger-willed. Demons also delight in chaos and evil so I think they may have just did it for funsies. Lol Regarding the Lucifer talk—this is the first time he has been mentioned in the show. You may or may not remember but in the episode about the fake angel in S2 (Houses of the Holy) Sam directly called out Dean and said something along the lines of “How can you believe in demons and hell, but not angels or God?” And Dean says because he’s seen and exorcised demons, he knows they’re real. But he hasn’t seen any hard evidence of God, heaven, or angels. He has no faith. He believes what he sees. He thinks there’s just evil in the world and it’s their job to kill it. Which is why he laughed in disbelief when he said “Lucifer’s real?” This is really only Dean that feels that way. Because Sam does believe in God. This definitely isn’t the last time the show will deal with these themes, but I’m keeping my lips shut about that 🤐 Personally, I’ve always found it kinda funny Dean feels that way because logic (or religion?) would dictate that if there is dark, there is also light. Lol Excited for you guys to keep watching!

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:07:11 Aw noooo!!! 😅😅well, I do appreciate you taking the time out to re-type all of it! Sometimes Patreon gets glitchy here n there, so maybe we can chalk it up to that haha. But that's a fair point, the taste for evil & chaos does seem to be a pretty textbook demon thing. And if the demons are happy to be out of hell, I gotta imagine it'd behoove them to spice things up a little bit on earth haha. They probably did it mostly for funsies, but with a vague point to back it up haha. And yes!! I thought about that episode (Houses of the Holy) during this one. Mainly for that point you acknowledge at the end here about the concept of light vs. dark. Seems reasonable to assume that, at very least, if there are malevolent spirits, & entities, 'n things, there must be some sort of light equivalent, no? But either way, I appreciate you keeping vague 😌🙌🏼 though I gotta imagine if they brought up the concept of Lucifer, that's gotta come back in some sort of significant way.. gahhh it's hard to wait!! lol
2019-07-29 19:36:19 Aw noooo!!! 😅😅well, I do appreciate you taking the time out to re-type all of it! Sometimes Patreon gets glitchy here n there, so maybe we can chalk it up to that haha. But that's a fair point, the taste for evil & chaos does seem to be a pretty textbook demon thing. And if the demons are happy to be out of hell, I gotta imagine it'd behoove them to spice things up a little bit on earth haha. They probably did it mostly for funsies, but with a vague point to back it up haha. And yes!! I thought about that episode (Houses of the Holy) during this one. Mainly for that point you acknowledge at the end here about the concept of light vs. dark. Seems reasonable to assume that, at very least, if there are malevolent spirits, & entities, 'n things, there must be some sort of light equivalent, no? But either way, I appreciate you keeping vague 😌🙌🏼 though I gotta imagine if they brought up the concept of Lucifer, that's gotta come back in some sort of significant way.. gahhh it's hard to wait!! lol

Aw noooo!!! 😅😅well, I do appreciate you taking the time out to re-type all of it! Sometimes Patreon gets glitchy here n there, so maybe we can chalk it up to that haha. But that's a fair point, the taste for evil & chaos does seem to be a pretty textbook demon thing. And if the demons are happy to be out of hell, I gotta imagine it'd behoove them to spice things up a little bit on earth haha. They probably did it mostly for funsies, but with a vague point to back it up haha. And yes!! I thought about that episode (Houses of the Holy) during this one. Mainly for that point you acknowledge at the end here about the concept of light vs. dark. Seems reasonable to assume that, at very least, if there are malevolent spirits, & entities, 'n things, there must be some sort of light equivalent, no? But either way, I appreciate you keeping vague 😌🙌🏼 though I gotta imagine if they brought up the concept of Lucifer, that's gotta come back in some sort of significant way.. gahhh it's hard to wait!! lol