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"Bloodstained Euphie" AKA The Most SHOCKING Episode I've Seen So Far lol

REACTION HIGHLIGHTS LINK:  https://vimeo.com/377300855/c95adf6a7b

Review After Reaction BEGINS AT:  23min 11 seconds


A discussion of Japan's future goes haywire when Lelouch loses control of his powers & he sets Euphemia on course toward an unthinkable massacre!


Code Geass 1x22 STREAM Bloodstained Euphie



Oh boy you are in for a wild ride with the last three episodes! I can't wait for your reactions. When I watched this episode for the first time the horror stuck with me for a long time. It's my fourth time re-watching this show and every single time this episode shocks me to my core.


God I can't even imagine after the massacre in this episode! Definitely not gonna forget it. For better or worse lol. I'm glad to hear it holds up so well over repeat viewings!!!

Heru Muharrar

If there were a top 10 massacres video I'm nominating this video for #1.

Brian Lacock

I love this episode because it completely changes the reason lelouch is fighting. Euphie convinced him to give up. Now he’s just trying to clean up his mistake, and it’s damaging his conviction.