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Hey guys!

Wanted to apologize on behalf of John & I, we do our absolute best to respond to everyone within a certain time frame whether that be on messages or comments. Received a couple of messages of people worried they're ignored, that's really not the case.

We are doing what we can right now to make sure we have all of our deliverables for each reward tier + getting ahead on filming / editing so we can at least have Christmas Eve & Day + New Years Eve & Day Off lol.

There's been a lot of major things this month that keep dropping which has thrown off our regular schedule & we don't want to fall behind on the show reactions, top reward tier requests, and shout outs so we have been prioritizing our morning, noon, and nights towards keeping up with it all. 

We'll do our best to catch up on as many messages & comments soon - right now we just gotta make sure the actual content is able to go up on youtube & patreon lol.

Thank you guys & gals for being patient with us. Really do appreciate it! We'll keep you up to date :)


Gene Geter

No problem. I understand. And surely most of us do.

Anna Ramirez

No need to apologize! You are busy, and people need to be more understanding. If they don't like it, they can fight me 💜

David Gandy

Guys, you do an awesome job! When things get busy, they get busy. Keep your sanity and pace yourselves. Have great holidays!

Heru Muharrar

What? You guys do an amazing job and fuck anyone who thinks otherwise.


I think most people understand that . Or they should . Its all good

Laura Moore

Y’all work your butts off every month. I hope you can enjoy your holidays and no worries. We really do appreciate your hardwork

Ryan H

Some reapplies are better than none, do what you can handle. But it dose feel really special when your comment gets a reply😊.


Really appreciate it, guys! Gonna keep doing our best to at least get a few responses out here and there as the holiday weeks progress, but really REALLY appreciate your patience with this. Always like to take the time to absorb each message/comment & respond accordingly. Some are longer than others, so apologies if you've been waiting a while! Haven't forgotten about any of you - literally have links compiled of all the outstanding stuff haha. Thank you guys for understanding!!! 💙

Eric Horstman

Hmm...let’s see... racism, sexism, misogyny, climate control, Nazi presidents, healthcare.... yeah “being ignored” on social media fits right in 😒 If those fuckwads (it’s a word lol) who have the audacity to complain about you not dropping everything and replying RIGHT AWAY happen to read this, please, please, get a fucking life... Stay pledged! Peace Out ✌️ ***Greg and John in no way endorse this comment sponsored by “Fucktards With First World Problems***

Toasted Toad

You guys are some of the best at responding. While you might not get back right away, when you do respond it's clear you've read and absorbed the comments and and made an effort to reply fully to what each person has said. That's far more than most do and it's really appreciated.