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"The x Zoldyck x Family"

REACTION HIGHLIGHTS LINK: https://vimeo.com/380634125/c268c24b3b

REVIEW AFTER REACTION Begins At: 23 min 8 seconds



With help from Canary, who's concerned about Killua, Gon and his friends get closer to the mansion -- where Killua is solitary confinement....


Hunter X Hunter 1x24



So the kids are Illumi, Milluki, Killua, Alluka and Kalluto. All male btw 😬. I love mums character and voice acting, such a psycho.


I never interpreted Killuas mom as the antagonist . More like shes the helicopter mother that happens to be from assassins family, lol. So first time watching i expected some fight with the dad , be it Killua or Gon and the gang, Cause usually in shows like these the conflict is solved by combat and violence . I thought it was refreshging to see that it just was a father and son talk with some hints towards future stuff. Canary is cool . I like her character design and personality . And she can kick ass, hahha. I think my fav part was Killuas demeanor. He was just baiting his brother , hahah and just was looking down on him , i felt. Tho the moment his brother said that Gon and the gang might be in danger, he completely flipped the switch and started threatening . And few moments later when grandpa told about the dad, Killua became submissive and child like . Theres an air of fear and respect towards the father that I dont think Killua shows to anyone else . And yeah , like i said Killua is my fav character too since the start. Initially he just looked cool but the more screen time he got the more layered his character became .