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"...Ye Who Enter Here"

S.H.I.E.L.D. Thursday's a day early, team!!!  Almost to that mid-season finale!!

Episode Synopsis: Half of Coulson's team undertakes a frantic search for the Alien City's entrance while the other half risks all to rescue Raina from Hydra's clutches...



AOS 2x9


Christopher simeon

Always appreciate a early reaction. Thanks John. Some big things next episode. Hope you are ready.


No problem, mate! We have Funimation to thank for that this week 😅 Can't wait for the Mid-season, though!!! I'll be prepping my body until the time comes to hit play.

Calculatus Eliminatus

As you go forward, one of the thing I had noticed was how well done the sound and musical scoring has become. Compared to some of the early season one episodes it's much better but it really starts to step up from here as various motifs are settled upon and revisited on a regular basis.

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 04:54:39 Oooh, nice! Definitely been enjoying the scoring, but going forward I'll take more note of it. Funny enough, I've found myself curious lately about scoring for TV vs more contained media. Just seems like a whole different beast given quantity & frequency. I feel like I've really been noticing musical motifs in shows via anime, but it'll be cool catching that a little more focally here in live action. Shooting the next one this afternoon!
2020-02-11 19:15:34 Oooh, nice! Definitely been enjoying the scoring, but going forward I'll take more note of it. Funny enough, I've found myself curious lately about scoring for TV vs more contained media. Just seems like a whole different beast given quantity & frequency. I feel like I've really been noticing musical motifs in shows via anime, but it'll be cool catching that a little more focally here in live action. Shooting the next one this afternoon!

Oooh, nice! Definitely been enjoying the scoring, but going forward I'll take more note of it. Funny enough, I've found myself curious lately about scoring for TV vs more contained media. Just seems like a whole different beast given quantity & frequency. I feel like I've really been noticing musical motifs in shows via anime, but it'll be cool catching that a little more focally here in live action. Shooting the next one this afternoon!