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Thanks for your question, EDGARAS SABALIAUSKAS!!!

It's an age-old question, peeps!  Which one do YOU prefer & why?!?!?


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Alien Or Aliens?



I admit that Aliens is an iconic action horror movie and the set pieces are fantastic, the pacing is on point and all the technical side of the film is really impressive . But I also think theres a lot less restraint in it and a lot of side characters feel so exaggerated that I cant connect with their struggles at all. Alien on the other hand, i love near everything about irt The first 5 min. of just having panning shots and ambience of the ship are one of the best intros for a film I have seen. Also the tension and the overall build up until climax just felt so meticulously made and paced. And while I also had no attachment to the characters , I felt like their dialogue was a lot more natural for the most part. I guess iits also very different intentions and focuses both movies , and they push different kind of buttons. And Alien just push my buttons very well. I also have a weak spot for Prometheus , despite weak script , i liked that slow build up and just fuckin fantastic visuals and cinematography . On the other hand i thought Aliens Covenant was one of the stupidest movies i have seen in a while , lol. And also I prefer T1 over T2, due to T1 feeling bleaker and the tension was palbable . T2 again, despite being a lot more iconic and juist generally wild ride it never did as much for me as for most people . I guess im just really a sucker for slow builds and slow burns in movies , lol

David Gandy

It's really hard to choose. To me Alien was the more tense scary experience and Aliens was the more "fun" scary experience. I also first saw each one differently. Alien in my junior english class, (teacher got in trouble for showing us minors a R rated film) and Aliens opening night with sold out hyped up crowd. I would have to give Alien the nod as I remember it and the experience watching it much more.

Toasted Toad

Aliens. I think Alien is more horrific, whereas Aliens is more thriller. And I’m not that into horror!

Toasted Toad

T1, for immortalising “I’ll be back” and “Come with me if you want to live”. Otherwise, T2

Eric Horstman

Wtf! This is like Sophie’s Choice! Each one has distinctive memories for me, but Alien has a special place. I was eight when it came out, wasn’t supposed to see it and and snuck in the back of my sisters car at a drive-in (anyone says what’s that I’ll cut a bitch!) Scared the shit outta me, but I LOVED that feeling! Loved the atmosphere of it, the slow pacing, not really seeing too much of the Alien until the end And it started my love affair with Sigourney Weaver! Aliens I saw for the first time with another sister, her drug dealer husband and was high on a Green trip (marijuana/PCP joint) Kinda made it even better lol BUT have to dock it a point for Pvt Vasquez. You gonna tell me they couldn’t find a real hispanic actor to play her? I’m more Latino than Jeannette GOLDSTEIN and I’m half Jewish! lol (true that though, my great great grandmother was from Mexico!) BUT she did a pretty good job so docking half a point instead. Love playing the PC cop sometimes even though I can’t stand political correctness lol


I can definitely see where you're coming from with this. I feel like, for a lot of the reasons you've listed here, if I had to save one for the sake of Cinema History lol, it'd be most likely be Alien. And that point about the characters is a good deal as to why. And just the overall sense of discovery and innovation that comes along with the first film. God, I remember debating Prometheus back in the day 😅we shot a review waaaay back when we were still figuring out how to shoot efficiently & I think we actually wound up having a legit argument over the movie lol. There was a lot of stuff to appreciate there. It felt to me like it started one way and a lot of things got changed. And then with Covenant they just went back to lean, mean alien slasher with a dash of some of those neat David/Walter ideas. I have no idea whether we'll see another quality Alien film at this point, but I'm not expecting it 😅 I'm gathering that you're the hot-takes guy when it comes to highly-beloved sequels 😝 but I can definitely see why you'd prefer the first terminator. I feel like both Alien & Terminator both start relatively simply & deliberately and then get into heavier, genre-bent sequels. When I think back to the first film, I always remember that visceral, grungy slasher element. Now I'm wondering if the next Avatar movie is gonna have some big tone/genre/pace shift lol. James Cameron seems to like ramping up the sequels 🤔


Damn haha, that's pretty cool you got to watch it for English. Was it tied into anything, or was this more one of those random days you finished early or exams were done & you got some movie time? Either way, I think the cinephile in me has to choose Alien. Like I said to Edgar, if we're only preserving one for Cinema history, I think it's gotta be Alien. I'm a little surprised the hyped-up Aliens crowd didn't shine out as much, but there is that sense of discovery when you're being shown something like that in school. Either way, sounds like you got a rad experience with both!


Fair enough!! That is a good point, there's horror to Aliens just because of the nature of the beast(s), but I think the action movie style, especially in the characters, ups the fun quotient in a significant way 😅


Haha right?? Blame our man Edgar 😝and don't worry haha - I've yet to attend 😫but we actually have some drive-in theatres still operating not too far from here. That must've been SO cool getting to sneak that one as a kid, especially in a venue like that. And, as always, I am fascinated by the breadth of your experiences - I have never tried PCP lol. That must've been a hell of a trip!! Probably better suited to Aliens, though, given the vibe and pacing. I will NOT hear a word against private Vasquez however!! 😝 but I suppose if we're gonna go the PC route, that's technically fair to bring up lol. HOWEVER, according to Wikipedia she's parts Jewish, Moroccan, and Brazilian, so maybe like a quarter point? Maybe one day we can go back and make a deepfake version with you in the role. See who wore it better!

David Gandy

If I remember correctly, our regular teacher had to leave early for a week and miss the last class of the day so we had another teacher who was free last period. We finished the lesson plans by Wed so we watched / discussed Alien Thur / Fri. Speculative Fiction writing class.


Apparently im just hot takes guy in general. Be it movies, anime, manga , video games or anything , hahahah. At least thats what my friends tell me . I think partially cause being a little bit contrarian , against the grain makes for more interesting conversations , rather than having echo chamber . But its mostly because I legit feel that way and im just very opinionated and im not afraid of giving these takes in a group of friends , even tho it mght rub them the wrong way. lol. Also i did not grew up with b tier , slasher horror films so I cant really appreciate them , i do have a friend whos complete opposite . So whenever we watch the witch, midsommar, babadook and lighthouse. Basically a24 movies , huh lol. I praise those movies to high heavens and hes not really liking them while appreciatting the craft. On the other hand movies like Jason, Halloween and such I really cant get into them , because I never grew up watching those movies . THo I gotta say Alien covenant cgi/animatronics blend was fantastic , i wish more movies would do it . As for avatar, im not the biggest fan of the story and character, but the action set pieces., pacing , direction , cinematography is second to none , And of course the level of cgi still amazes me to this day . And I know a lot of people like to hate on it , especially younger people , but then they start praising MCU movies and Im like . If you cant tell the difference between Avatar and Avengers, then i dont know what to say . lol And I fucking like a lot of MCU stuff . But its like comparing Fury Road to cgi infested action fluff . Like . come on. hahaha.