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Thanks for breaking our minds, EVGENY CARUANA!!!

How'd you guys do with this one lol?  Anybody guess the answer to our riddle?  Leave one of your own in the comments below!!!


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Jevvy Q&A2 Feb20



Its E

Evgeny Caruana

Sorry guys lol 😅. Yeah I actually did have someone who told me this riddle during a meal. And basically I had to figure it out some way or another. The answer can only be obtained by asking the one who gave you the riddle a series of questions and he has to answer "yes or no" basically a dissection of the story to arrive at the answer. I just realized that you needed someone who knows the answer lol sorry my bad. 😅😂😂


I cheated , hahahahahah. I googled the riddle . My initial answer would have been Time

David Gandy

I kept thinking of the poem "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" and trying to make some connection because of the albatross/sea references...🙄

Nick Marzan

If I hadn’t already heard this one I’d be just as stumped

Katie Anne

Same. I went with it being an allegorical bad omen, thus his fated demise. 🤷‍♀️

Katie Anne

Maybe the real riddle is “who actually knows the answer?” 😂


LOL well at very least props for your speed as you're the first person to comment the answer.. suppose that's still gotta count for something 😝


Hahaha it's all good, man. This was actually a lot of fun even though we had NO idea where to begin with this one lol. Still wish we could'a cracked it, but I suppose I do feel slightly better knowing that most people need to play 20 questions with someone who knows all the backstory to actually do so 😝


Thaaat's what I was thinking of, not The Seafarer! Good catch, man. My mind went straight to the sailor having to wear the albatross, but at that point, if you're thinking of that story, you're sorta lost in the weeds. I guess this riddle requires a person who already knows it to pull it off properly? 😅 otherwise, yeah.. Katie Anne's was about the best guess we could do with no context lol


This makes us feel a bit better haha. Apparently this is a riddle that requires a game master 😝