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"Power x to x Avenge"

REACTION HIGHLIGHTS Linkhttps://vimeo.com/394047491/7ff0cecfdc

REVIEW After Reaction Begins at: 23min 45 seconds

Episode Synopsis: In a fight against Gido, Gon withstands his attacks and overwhelms him, which impresses Hisoka...  meanwhile, Killua steps into the ring against Riehlvelt..




H x 7 x STREAM



The Hisoka impressions were spot on guys 😂 the best part of this series so far.

Sin Parks

Love how Killua and Gon triumphed against... two amputees and a paraplegic guy. Very heroic. Gon’s definitely the underdog vs Hisoka by about a mile, haha. At least it’ll be nice to see him struggle against a stronger opponent?

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 04:52:54 Haha I suppose I hadn't looked at it like that.. although they're apparently skilled-enough fighters to have reached the 200th floor, so not altogether helpless. I definitely feel ya on that, tho 😅 it's cool to watch Gon kick ass and all that, but it would be that-much-more thrilling to watch him have to actually sweat & get creative for it again. It's weird.. like I'm ready to get Gon in a proper fight, but also... somehow I don't feel like he's ready for Hisoka? Then again, I suppose all he has to do is land the one uppercut at the very least...
2020-03-02 23:05:45 Haha I suppose I hadn't looked at it like that.. although they're apparently skilled-enough fighters to have reached the 200th floor, so not altogether helpless. I definitely feel ya on that, tho 😅 it's cool to watch Gon kick ass and all that, but it would be that-much-more thrilling to watch him have to actually sweat & get creative for it again. It's weird.. like I'm ready to get Gon in a proper fight, but also... somehow I don't feel like he's ready for Hisoka? Then again, I suppose all he has to do is land the one uppercut at the very least...

Haha I suppose I hadn't looked at it like that.. although they're apparently skilled-enough fighters to have reached the 200th floor, so not altogether helpless. I definitely feel ya on that, tho 😅 it's cool to watch Gon kick ass and all that, but it would be that-much-more thrilling to watch him have to actually sweat & get creative for it again. It's weird.. like I'm ready to get Gon in a proper fight, but also... somehow I don't feel like he's ready for Hisoka? Then again, I suppose all he has to do is land the one uppercut at the very least...