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"Jump the Shark"

REACTION HIGHLIGHTS Link: https://vimeo.com/394335795/c162bb472b

REVIEW After Reaction Begins at: 57 Mins & 17 Seconds

Episode Synopsis: A 19-year-old boy named Adam calls Sam & Dean looking for John Winchester...  the boy claims to be his SON..


Links To All Seasons SUPERATURAL (Reaction Highlights Begin At Season 2)


Supernatural 4x19 STREAM


Steve Rivera

I'm not in like the forums or anything, but I do think your feelings about this episode are pretty much in line with most of the fandom. I definitely felt what you guys felt when I first watched it. It's a weird episode because yeah you feel like you're robbed of the impact of this potential character. Super excited for the next one I really think you'll enjoy it!


I’ve had a Supernatural Tumblr (😳) for eight years, and to my knowledge, this isn’t a fan favorite episode. Now, ADAM is a fan favorite character. I guess it’s because if you’re involved in a sausage fest, why not one more sausage? And younger fans tend to relate to the 19 yo very easily. But there’s a reason the writers revealed this; you’ll just have to be patient. 😁

Toasted Toad

My biggest takeaway from this episode has always been that they’ve read John’s diary cover to cover how many times? And only now do they notice some pages are ripped out? Come on! I wonder if maybe the episode would have worked better if there had been no real Adam Winchester, just a couple of ghouls messing with Sam and Dean. As it is, I don’t really know what they were going for with this episode and to me it seemed to wander off nowhere. Anyway, on to the build up to the finale!

Jennifer Lundstrom

From SupernaturalWiki, explaining the episode title and a fun easter egg at the diner: The boys meet Adam Milligan at a café called Cousin Oliver's. Cousin Oliver was a young kid added to the cast of The Brady Bunch in its last season. Adding a young kid to a cast is called doing a Cousin Oliver and is often seen as a sign of the show jumping the shark. On the wall of Cousin Oliver's café are a number of photos of water skiers, as well as a poster advertising a water skiing stunt show starring a Fonzerelli. This is another more specific jumping the shark reference, name checking Arthur "The Fonz" Fonzerelli, who jumping the shark was named after.

Melanie LeBlanc

This episode is always one of those I'm tempted to skip. It's rewatch quality for me is low. With the set up they gave us, I just expected more and agree that Adam was a plot device. Supernatural is at it's best when it makes you feel for the characters, and there wasn't much of an emotional impact considering that they found and lost a brother in the same episode. I'm pretty sure you'll appreciate the next episode as it gears up for the penultimate and final ones. Most of the fans agree they're pretty good 😏

Toasted Toad

Those are all elements simply echoing the title of the episode - they are not the reason for choosing it in the first place. It’s clearly a very self-aware title, but I don’t think it lands (like most of the episode)

Elle B.

You guys touched on the rising tensions between sam and dean and that’s why I just really love that last line, “Take it anyway you want.” I love that it ended on that beat. I think even in the episodes that don’t land, they’ve been doing the tensions-between-brothers thread very well.


People! Stop giving your opinoins about quality of upcoming episodes!!! Sheesh. That's a spoiler too, you know. Let them form their own opion without any pre-hype. I wonder how much of the comments about this episode could have affecting your opinion? You caught on to the trick way before I did. I don't have a problem with this episode like others do. I find it interesting. It totally makes sense that there could be some other winchesters out there. Accidents happen. They travel a lot. Meet women and then leave town the next day. I found this one to be an interesting character episode. It is a bit of an odd one, but I get more out of it than others do, even though I also didn't understand why they introduced a brother into the mix, and then just had him end up dead. One thing it did was further put John in a bad light for me. If that's what the writer's wanted, then they succeeded. It does support how risky life is for any winchester - even if they aren't hunters. Like you mentioned, there were likely things the writers wanted to tell us in this episode. I find it worth watching for that reason. in my opinion part of that is to show us how much Sam has changed. That the roles have switched a bit for the boys. Dean really didn't want it to be true. And then the fact that John took Adam to a baseball game and fishing, while he never did any of that sort of recreational fun time bonding with them. It was just all hunting or training to hunt. I found it admirable that even though Dean was pissed (or jealous if you prefer) that Adam had experiences with John that Sam and Dean didn't get, he still wanted to protect him from their life and respect John's decision to leave him out of it. About the ripped pages. I think people are taking that whole thing wrong. I'm sure Sam and Dean noticed the pages missing. They just didn't have any context for it. Now they do, so it's notable. I don't think the ripped out pages is really the continuity (or whatever) issue people have complained aobut in the comments.


They've noticed the missing pages before, but never had any context for them. Now they do, so worth bringing up.

Toasted Toad

Then why don't they say so? That's not what Sam says, that's an attempt to head canon your way around it!


Haha well that's good to know. I think at this point the fan reception thing has become a bit more than anything. Glad we're not alone on this one, though. Lots of cool ideas, but kind of an odd package for them. Either way psyched for the next one!!


Haha yeah, it seems too random just to introduce for ONLY one episode never to be referenced again. Curious as to Adam's fan fave status and I guess at this point, I'm just hoping it's based on more than what I'm sure is a veritable trove of slashfics lol. Did you shut down your Tumblr????

Steve Rivera

Yeah I know it's been more of a bit lately 😆 was just saying yeah despite this season having a super solid last batch of episodes this one is a bit odd even amongst the fans but I will say it certainly ages well specially since it is a bit of a "jump the shark" moment like the title says and it stands out in people's memories. So yeah it's discussed plenty from what I can tell 😅


Hahaha was wondering about that as well... Especially since there's still a bit of writing on it 😅It's an interesting take to say there was no Adam at all (for real). Would definitely be a mindfuck for the Boys either way, but could'a been interesting. That, or I was hoping they'd maybe get at least one scene with the actual brother, but alas.. this one did feel like it went off on a sidebar, ultimately. Excited for the end of the season either way, though!


Oh snap, that's a good catch! Funny enough, I've actually met Cousin Oliver once before lol. The title has been sticking in my brain, just given that + the abrupt discovery (and immediate death) of S&D's other brother... I feel like there's something I'm missing about this whole episode and I can't figure out what lol


Haha don't worry, we're still excited!! Can see why this one might get a skip, tho. Not without its charms, but it's still sitting a bit odd with me. I think it may have something to do with the fact that this seems like it ought'a be a very significant/emotionally difficult episode and yet.. it doesn't feel of much consequence? Kind of a non-sequitur toward the season's end? But who knows.. maybe it'll amount to something we just don't know yet... either way, nervously anticipating the season's end!!


Ahh, that's a great call! I feel like we've already seen them blow up at one another a few times over this season and I'm afraid they're not done yet... and afraid things between them are only gonna get more fucked up... 😅😰 GREAT last moment there between them, Jensen's delivery dropped into the pit of my stomach like a stone. I just want the boys to be happy!!! 😫😭

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 04:52:44 Appreciate your candor, Michele! It's a slippery slope with the enthusiasm comments. Don't wanna get toooo much of an idea of "how we're supposed to feel" about anything going in, but at the same time we appreciate & want y'all to bring your enthusiasm, so I don't mind a certain amount of that. We're a lot more hard-line about actual spoilers, out-of-context plot details, future casting news, etc. But it's a fair question - there's gotta be residual effect of some kind. As for the episode, I actually agree! Found the character context & what it says about the greater life of both John & Hunters pretty interesting. And for the ways it brought out their own personal tensions as well as shared family tensions... I can definitely see why this'd taint John some for you. Double life, second (at least).. that's a bit of a mind-blower amidst a pretty heavy season already. It is kinda crazy to see flashes from the first couple seasons n see how much they've both changed as characters (and physically in Sam/Jared's case 😝). Jensen's delivery on that last bit of dialogue really hit me. And I think that's a great hook, overall, for a season like this; the conflict brought on by the character growth in the show. As for the ripped pages, I think that makes some sense. Remembering back, I feel like there's something in the delivery or dialogue that made it seem/sound like he'd literally just discovered it, but that aside, I can certainly imagine them having come across it before. Not a huge knock, tho. Excited to hop into the S4 home-stretch!
2020-03-05 23:33:40 Appreciate your candor, Michele! It's a slippery slope with the enthusiasm comments. Don't wanna get toooo much of an idea of "how we're supposed to feel" about anything going in, but at the same time we appreciate & want y'all to bring your enthusiasm, so I don't mind a certain amount of that. We're a lot more hard-line about actual spoilers, out-of-context plot details, future casting news, etc. But it's a fair question - there's gotta be residual effect of some kind. As for the episode, I actually agree! Found the character context & what it says about the greater life of both John & Hunters pretty interesting. And for the ways it brought out their own personal tensions as well as shared family tensions... I can definitely see why this'd taint John some for you. Double life, second (at least).. that's a bit of a mind-blower amidst a pretty heavy season already. It is kinda crazy to see flashes from the first couple seasons n see how much they've both changed as characters (and physically in Sam/Jared's case 😝). Jensen's delivery on that last bit of dialogue really hit me. And I think that's a great hook, overall, for a season like this; the conflict brought on by the character growth in the show. As for the ripped pages, I think that makes some sense. Remembering back, I feel like there's something in the delivery or dialogue that made it seem/sound like he'd literally just discovered it, but that aside, I can certainly imagine them having come across it before. Not a huge knock, tho. Excited to hop into the S4 home-stretch!

Appreciate your candor, Michele! It's a slippery slope with the enthusiasm comments. Don't wanna get toooo much of an idea of "how we're supposed to feel" about anything going in, but at the same time we appreciate & want y'all to bring your enthusiasm, so I don't mind a certain amount of that. We're a lot more hard-line about actual spoilers, out-of-context plot details, future casting news, etc. But it's a fair question - there's gotta be residual effect of some kind. As for the episode, I actually agree! Found the character context & what it says about the greater life of both John & Hunters pretty interesting. And for the ways it brought out their own personal tensions as well as shared family tensions... I can definitely see why this'd taint John some for you. Double life, second (at least).. that's a bit of a mind-blower amidst a pretty heavy season already. It is kinda crazy to see flashes from the first couple seasons n see how much they've both changed as characters (and physically in Sam/Jared's case 😝). Jensen's delivery on that last bit of dialogue really hit me. And I think that's a great hook, overall, for a season like this; the conflict brought on by the character growth in the show. As for the ripped pages, I think that makes some sense. Remembering back, I feel like there's something in the delivery or dialogue that made it seem/sound like he'd literally just discovered it, but that aside, I can certainly imagine them having come across it before. Not a huge knock, tho. Excited to hop into the S4 home-stretch!


Thank you for your reply. I really appreciate how much time and effort this must take. It's especially appreciated because not many Reactors do this. Thanks!


pffft! nope. I see it differently toadster. To me it was more like they finally figured out what the missing pages were about after years of not knowing, or knowing what they were about. No reason for them to comment on it in any previous episode. So there! :P I do you get emoticons in your comments? I have no option for that - that I can see.

Chaos T

Welp... this is a much better episode now the series is finished.