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"The x True x Pass

REACTION HIGHLIGHTS Link: https://vimeo.com/395852035/c50250c0b8

REVIEW After Reaction Begins at: 23 Minutes & 43 Seconds

Episode Synopsis: Gon and Killua begin training in Hatsu.  Later, Gon challenges Hisoka to return the favor from the Hunter Exam...




H x 2 x 9 STREAM


Ryan H



There is a reason why we dont see Kurapika for 99% of this season. I cant tell more because it would be spoilers lol. Also im with you, i like that the whole nen training is recontextualized as a hunter exam, but i was also wondering how would they known that Gon would be in Heavens arena . Tho maybe its just Wind was one of the masters and he got contacted by chairman, So its just a chance that wing was the teacher , Maybe , idk. The Nen hexagon with specializations I think its a good display of how nen gonna work, especially with limitations , that you need to know how to use nen. Otherwise you gonna fuck up like Castro and the spin top dude. As for the fight itself, i thought it probably the best animated HxH fight so far . There's just really cool attention to detail., like how during the fight Gon's expressions changing depending if hes attacking or defending . And just overall how the fight was directed , with 360 camera movements, really neat angles and just use of sound and lack of music , made it pretty entertaining.

Ryan H

hit dem textbooks Greg if you don't understand the nen basics your gunna have a hard time later one. I think you'll have a easier time remembering the nen hexagon since the names are in english.

Toasted Toad

Okay, this comment is going to be out of context because I couldn't be bothered to find your reaction to episode 1 where it applies, but I just bought the first Manga to see how it compared to the anime. One thing I found interesting is that Kurapika is is much more deliberately rude to Leorio (by English standards) than he is in the anime. In the anime, Leorio goes ballistic that Kurapika is not adding the respectful "san" to his name. In the manga, Kurapika calls Leorio "Rioleo". I wonder if the same is true in the Japanese version of the Manga or whether, like the anime, he refuses to add "san" (and they changed it because English doesn't have quite the equivalent version of this politeness).


Iiiinteresting haha... then I guess we'll just have to hold our horses n be patient... 🤔 As for Wing... I suppose your theory would make some sense. It's gotta be a big organization and it seems reasonable they'd keep up with the various Hunters' progress n such... plus the Chairman's always up in that blimp lol. The headcanon's not too much of a stretch, I suppose, but still made me wonder. Would Wing then be training Zushi for the Hunter exam? Or is their training its own thing? For as much as we joked, I appreciated the hexagon as well. I don't have all the different points/types committed to memory, but it's a good visual representation & make a good amount of sense, especially coming off the Nen basics. As for the fight, I think I'd have to agree! Especially because of how personal the fight is for Gon. We've been thru peril and various challenges along this journey, but this felt like a legit fight between rivals. And to see Gon actually find an effective strategy to get that crucial hit in was just so satisfying. Really well done all around. Just shot the next one this afternoon, so we got more Gon v. Hisoka in the coming days!


Haha it's all good, I think we've at least got the basics down 😝don't have all the points on the hexagon committed to memory as of yet, BUT I don't think those should be too hard to brush up on should we need to. Thanks for keeping us on task, mate!!

Cody Enos


Toasted Toad

It's not so unlikely that Hunter graduates are going to bump into someone who can teach them Nen. Killua and Gon go to Heaven's arena to train. That would seem a natural place to find teachers for people who are good enough to get to the 200th Floor. Kurapika bumps into his teacher outside the Hunter agency - again, another place where professional hunters are likely to be found who might take up a teaching mantle (Hunter exam was mentioned then too - Kurapika might have passed the official test, but he was unable to actually get a job as a Hunter because he had not yet learned Nen. That seems to be the way the 'secret exam' effectively works - you might have the official qualification, but without that skill, you are unemployable) As far as Nen goes, Gon has not shown himself to be any better than Killua. Killua has all his assassin training, but Gon has whatever he inherited from Ging, plus very active upbringing in nature.