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Happy Sunday, peeps!!

With a new month upon us, we thought it might be fun to take these Q&A videos and twist them into something slightly new!  So for March we'll be trying out a more expanded podcast format for the questions, picking about 2-3 each time and seeing where things go!


0:46  - (Adelia Chamberlain) Are video game stories better fit for movies or television?  If it's television, do you think this is why (most) video game movies haven't worked?

10:10: (Elle B) Are there specifically any female characters you personally identify with? Can be animated or live-action. 

15:43 (Mimi M) What Do We Think About The Backlash David Schwimmer (Ross from Friends) for saying “Maybe there should be an all-black Friends or an all-Asian Friends,”.

Side Note: If you're planning on listening to the question about David Schwimmer's comments...read what I put in the comment box lol


And, as always, feel free to leave YOUR THOUGHTS on any of these questions down in the comments below as well as feedback on this new format (if you have any).  Enjoy!!


And, as always, if you've got a question you'd like to ask, Follow This Link: https://www.patreon.com/posts/march-2020-q-34627844 and leave your question in the comments!  Once we click the heart, you'll know your Q&A has been shot and will be posted shortly!!


LINKS TO ALL MARCH 2020 Q&A's: https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=Q%26A%20March%202020


Q&A Podcast #1 (March 2020)



I am disappointed in you guys, everyone knows original Mortal Kombat movie is the best video game adaptation . lol. I also liked sillent hill movie, it had neat aesthetic and atmosphere .

David Gandy

👍 Digging the new format.


Regarding the FRIENDS Question: I'd like to take a minute to point out how much of an IDIOT I feel like - the question we spent the longest time on was the 3rd question & Mimi M pointed out that there was a series called LIVING SINGLE. I thought Mimi was referring to the British show COUPLING which was known to be an inspiration for Friends. When in fact, LIVING SINGLE is a series starring Queen Latifah and the show centered on the lives of six friends who share personal and professional experiences while living in a Brooklyn brownstone. So our convo still stands but it would've been worth us pointing out that Living Single already did that lol

Mimi M

You're right. That was peoples criticism. That Living single already had an all black version of friends before friends. The quotes are from an article by the Guardian. He was asked about the backlash/critic of the show from millennials who are discovering Friends on netflix and saying the show has a problem with homophobia, transphobia and all the fat jokes. I should have linked the article. Here it is. https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2020/jan/27/david-schwimmer-im-very-aware-of-my-privilege-as-a-heterosexual-white-male

Mimi M

i was bracing myself for the Elizabeth warren comment lol. Happy International Women's Day.

Elle B.

Good choices! I’ve never actually seen Eighth Grade so I’ll have to check it out!