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Hi ya'll!

Normally I film these Watch Alongs on Saturday, prep & edit them to go up on Sunday afternoon. 

Unfortunately, yesterday had two booked events in 2 very far away locations so my goal today was to shoot it & still put it up with a little ANNOUNCEMENT - in cases like this I usually film it during the week then but wasn't able to fit it in amongst the other shoots.

That ANNOUNCEMENT is  I'm moving the Gotham Watch Alongs to Thursday cause Sunday has the highlights & watch along for Doctor Who now and the only day where it's only a  Watch Along uploaded is John's Agents Of Shield Reactions so it just makes more sense in terms of scheduling. 

However, I honestly was feeling very under the weather today (NO NOT CORONA VIRUS SYMPTOMS) - trust me I got paranoid and checked haha. I know it can sound silly cause I film at my home but if I appeared on camera I'd be the furthest from sharp & truly engaged and thats just a disservice to those who watch along with me. So Im sorry to those whom I cant provide a Reaction for today but on THURSDAY it'll be up. You have my word :) 




If you haven't caught up or want to start watching the Gotham Watch Alongs...links below!
